
Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year -- New Goals

Long ago I used to have my kids answer questions each new year.  To help me remember who they were and what they liked at each age. I did this in 2009, 2010,  and 2011.  And I haven't done it since.....

Four years later, I decided I should do this again. In a bit more grown up way since my kids are all 4 years older now.  So, this year, I had them answer some questions that include some of their 'favorites'.  But I also asked them to tell me some highs and lows of 2014 AND to make some goals for 2015.

  I am sharing them here so I can remember, but also because I am going to take their lists and put them on each of their walls. So that they can remember the goals they have set for themselves for 2015.

Here is what they had to say this year.....

 Name: Alison Elaine Curtis
Age:13 (7th Grade)
Favorite Food: Toast with Apple Butter
Favorite Activity: Reading, Tumbling, gym
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Book:  Unknown -- like all books
When I grow up I want to be: A Teacher
My friends: Madi T, Connor, Kenny

Greatest Lesson learned:  God always has a plan no matter how much you're going through.  Something good always comes out of something bad.

Hardest thing in 2014: Being unable to do anything in the hospital.

Favorite Memory of 2014: Camp  (Quaker Lake)

What I loved about 2014:  Inspiring people


I want to learn: The stories of the bible

I want to get better at: Math & Science

Goals for 2015:
1. Learn to like Math.
2. Get better at not eating sweets.
3.Get all A's by the end of 7th grade.

My word for 2015:  Obedient


Name: Maggie Curtis
Age: 11 (6th grade)
Favorite Food: Lasagna and chocolate
Favorite Activity: gymnastics
Favorite Color:  Mint Green and blue
Favorite Book:  Out of My Mind
When I grow up I want to be: a horse back rider and a famous actress.
My friends:  Chloe, Chayse, Madi, Caylin, Kailey, Haynes, Brooke, Tori, Elizabeth, Bailey, Mikila, Syklar, Kate.....There are more but I couldn't fit them on the line.


Greatest lesson learned:  That Jesus will keep me safe all the time.(24/7). trying not to fight,  trying not to cry all the time, and trying to form a bond with my parents and siblings.

Favorite Memory:  When we all sat upstairs and ate pizza and watched A Christmas Story.

What I loved about 2014:  That I had lots and lots of fun and good times.


I want to learn:  more about Christ.

I want to get better at: writing, gymnastics, being obedient, and being kind/patient.

Goals for 2015:
1. to be able to do 3 back handsprings in a row.
2. to have a good bond between me and my parents/siblings.
3. to work hard and have better grades.
4. to be obedient.
5. to be responsible and respectful everywhere I am (even home).
6. to be as nice to my siblings as I am to my friends.

My word for 2015: responsible


 Name: Lillie Curtis
Age: 9 "10 in 11 days!" (4th grade)
Favorite Color: turquoise, Lime Green
Favorite Activity: play soccer, do a lot of things
Favorite book: Out of My Mind
When I grow up I want to be: A USA Soccer champion/dance teacher like Mrs. Valerie
My Friends:  Victoria, Lily S, Elli, Libby T, Polly T


Greatest Lesson learned:  My greatest lesson learned was learning to play soccer the right way.

Hardest thing in 2014:  Making my model of the USS Arizona.

Favorite Memory:  Being at my b-day party with Elli.

What I loved about 2014: Meeting Mrs. Marske for the first time.


I want to learn:  How to be more loving and obedient.

What to get better at : studying!!!

Goals for 2015:
1. Being grateful.
2. Being loving.
3. Being obedient.
4. Being compassionate.
5. Being authentic.

Mt word for 2015:  Authentic


Name: Brady Curtis
Age: 6 (Kindergarten)
Favorite Food: Chicken tenders and pizza
Favorite Activity: going to skateland
Favorite Color: Orange, red, and blue.
Favorite Book: The Jungle Book
When I grow up, I want to be: a race car driver
Mr friends: Jackson, Eastyn, Joseph


Greatest lesson learned: To be respectful.

Hardest thing in 2014: running a big track (at TRACK ATTACK at school).

Favorite Memory:  racing with Jackson

What I loved about 2014:


I want to learn: how to do math

I want to get better at: swinging

Goals for 2015:
1. be nicer to my sisters

Word for 2015: Loving


One of my goals for the year will be to help them with their goals.  If you are someone who knows my family, you know that our lives have been hectic, busy and full of stuff in 2014.  Some of it was really hard stuff.   I don't see life slowing down much, but hoping to find some quiet in each day.

 For 2015, my goals are these:

1. To know God's love more fully. TO share HIS love more completely with all I meet. But especially within my home.
2. Peace that comes from being in God's presence and knowing HIS constant presence.
3.  Live life in a state of prayer -- listening and communicating with God.
4. Laugh more everyday.
5.. Continue to be more organized within home.
6.. Get back to writing thank you notes the way my Southern Mama taught me to do.

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