
Friday, December 26, 2014

A Quiet and Reflective Christmas

We had plans on Christmas Eve.
There was loads of cooking, packing and wrapping to be done.
There were Christmas Services to attend.  
Three for Hubby and two for the rest of us.
We would have Christmas breakfast with my inlaws and then head on to Georgia Christmas afternoon. 
But,  then -- 
Allie woke with a fever that day.
Since the flu had been in our house over the past week, we figured she had the flu too.
I called the doctor. They agreed it was probably the flu and said to up her Tamiflu (she was already taking preventatively) for two days.
So, the packing would wait. 
The cooking and wrapping got done.
The Christmas Eve Services were attended, but not by me or Allie.

I was hoping that Allie would be fever free by Christmas morning, but she wasn't.
Santa had left gifts and so we got up to see what he left.....

Maggie got a Kindle Fire, some Lego Friends, and a new vest.  

Her Kindle is pink. She loved it.

Lillie got almost exactly the same thing.  
She got a Kindle Fire, a huge set of Legos and a new vest.

Her Kindle is bright yellow! SO exited!

Brady  got model cars, a helicopter and an ipod.

He was very excited about it all.

Allie got new boots, a vest and Kaya's horse (American Girl).  

She was running a fever and feeling quite poorly.  But spent a few minutes looking at her gifts before laying down.

We ate our traditional breakfast -- homemade cinnamon rolls and breakfast casserole. 
We were all quite sad about not getting to have our family here and then head on to Georgia.  
We spent the day resting, watching movies and reading. As well as doling out ibuprofen to Allie when it wore off.
Yesterday evening, we felt that we needed to get out.
So, we piled into our car - Allie felt pretty good as long as she had ibuprofen in her -- and headed out.
We found a Wendy's that was open and went through the drive through.
We ate our food as we drove around and looked at Christmas lights.

When we got home, we watched the original "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" and then read the Christmas Story and talked about what Christmas is really about.

As much as we missed our family, it was a quiet restful Christmas Day for my family.
One without hustle and bustle.

Allie was still running a fever this morning, so we took her to the doctor.
Turns out she has strep.  (Even if she had the flu, it was already treated -- so they didn't even check).
She got a shot so she should be feeling much better by tomorrow and will no longer be contagious.
We are heading to Georgia.....
Let the hustle and bustle begin....

Even though we are excited to be headed out to see family and get gifts.....And even though I am SICK of sickness -- I pray that God will remind each member of my family that the quiet Christmas we had yesterday was a gift in itself.
I'm so glad that we ended our day yesterday with the reading of the Christmas Story from Luke.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

May we all remember what and WHO we are celebrating.

I woke up yesterday morning with  a song in my head.  It was "How Beautiful" by Twila Paris.
As I thought about the lyrics, singing it in my head, I kept thinking that it has more to do with Easter   and communion  and my living as HE did than Christmas.  
But the Holy Spirit reminded me that without Christmas there would be no Easter.

How Beautiful!  

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