
Monday, August 2, 2010

Miss M is Seven!

We interrupt these vacation posts to make a very important announcement. Today my M is 7 years old.

It amazes me to look back and see who M has become in her 7 years of life. She has huge personality and she is a person all her own.

This is M at 1 day old.....even from the beginning so very much her own person.
I was so surprised at the blond hair on her head. So different from the really dark hair of
her big sister.

This is her 1st birthday party. It was our first experience with a real

cake smashing.A had not really been into her cake very much.

This was taken when L was baptised at 6 months old.

I love M's blond pigtails. She was 2 here....

Miss M's preschool graduation. She wanted her hair to
be like her teacher, Ms. Harkey's....

And here is a picture of my sweet M a couple of weeks ago on vacation.
I'm amazed at how big she looks and wonder where
the time has gone!!!

Dear M,
Happy 7th Birthday! You are an amazing girl, M! You are such a sweet sister to all three of your siblings. You are my tender-hearted girl. Sometimes, that means you wear your heart on your sleeve and everything hurts your feelings. BUT it also means that you have a huge heart that is full of compassion and that is a wonderful thing!
You already have a huge love for God that I hope will continue to grow and grow throughout your life. Daddy and I will do whatever we can to foster that growth! You ask loads of questions about Him and have all kind of great theories about Him too! I fully believe you hear His voice, even at a young age!
You have style all your own and are already concerned with clothing and shoes. You and I have been battling over what clothes you are going to wear since you were 2 and could talk for yourself.
My goodness, M! I can't believe that you are 7 and about to be in the 2nd grade. You are an amazing gift to your Daddy and I and I hope that you will always know how much we love you!
We love you!
Mommy, Daddy, A, L, and B!!!
I will be back with some more vacation memories tomorrow. Today, I must get going because there is a certain little girl who is VERY excited about her birthday and we have a big day ahead. We aren't having her cake/ ice cream family party until next week when we go visit Grammy (that's what M wanted) so we will just be having fun with the family.
My MIL is coming up to see M for her birthday and so she will receive that gift today (the rest will wait for Grammies house). The rule at our house is that when it is your birthday you get to choose what you want to eat for one meal of that day. Hubs has meetings tonight so we are doing M's meal at lunch. Unfortunately for me, she choose Ryan's. (NOT my fav. place by a long shot). Her reasoning was this...."I want a buffet, but not Chinese." We've also already been informed that she wants them to sing happy birthday to her.....we have never done that before so I guess she has just seen it happen at restaurants in the past.
Have a great Monday, y'all!!!!!
in HIM-


  1. Awww ... she's such a sweetheart! Happy Birthday M!

  2. Happy Birthday sweet sweet girl! We hope you have a great day!!! Love, the adams :)

  3. Happy Birthday M!!!!!! Hope you have the best day and year!


    The Hodges Family
