
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pennsylvania Vacation - On Our Way and Williamsport, PA

I fear that my vacation posts will be at least 5 in number. So bear with me. Seeing as how my scrapbooking is stuck at M being 6 months old, this is my scrapbook these days.

We headed out on Thursday, July 15th right after lunch.
We made it all the way to the Virginia state line before we had to make out first stop.
That's 2.5 hours from our house....not too bad. We stopped for supper in Wytheville, VA and then drove on to Pulaski
where my in-laws have a home on Clater (Crater?) Lake.
Beautiful view, huh?
K and the kids had a rousing game of kickball.
B didn't really play - he just wanted to commandeer all the balls
and I was too busy taking pictures....=)
K had to explain kickball to the girls before they could play.
Taking a 'walk' around the bases....

Miss L gets a good kick!

Yes, we play kickball barefooted....doesn't everyone?

Silly boy.....

On Friday morning, we had a quick breakfast at the lakehouse,
cleaned up, and got in the car to make the 5-6 hour drive on to Pennsylvania....
except that it took us 9.5 hours....
Everything was going along quite well. We headed out. Found a starbucks for me,
drove 3.5 hours and stopped at Chick-fil-a for lunch around Front Royal, VA.
We got back in the car and drove another hour or so and had just made it
into Maryland when strange noises started coming from this one....

He threw up on everything near him....
So, we found a stopping place....
a nice park in Williamsport, MD.
The girls ran off and played on the playground while
I cleaned up throw up boy and K cleaned up the carseat
as best he could....

Febreezing himself.....even though he was clean already by now.

SO glad I had that little bottle of febreeze with us. It made the smell

bearable at least....

After about an hour - it took a long time to clean up everything,

we hopped back in the car, got some drinks as it was 102 in the heat that day

and headed on to PA! We finally made it into the state.
Although it took us another 2.5 hours to make it to our destination.

We finally arrived in New Columbia, PA in just enough time to unload
the van, check into the hotel and go find some supper.
These two had a great time playing on the beds....
The following day, hubs and granddaddy headed of really early for their first rail car trip.
Nana Lee Anne, the kids and I drove up to Williamsport, PA.
We took a trolley ride through town.
It is a beautiful old town!!

These two thought they would nap through part of the ride....

Not the rest of us though.
There were too many beautiful old places to see.
This house was part of Millionaires Row....

Williamsport, PA is also the birth place of Little League Baseball.

After the trolley ride, we took a ride on the Hiawatha Riverboat.

We ate a picnic lunch on the boat

and enjoyed the sights that God created!
After that, it was time to head back and meet Daddy and Granddaddy
and the rest of the rail club for supper....

The local railclub there in New Colombia, PA hosted a lovely supper
and gave caboose rides....

Riding in the top bunk of the caboose....

L sat on the lower level with me.....

By then everyone was exhausted from days of traveling so back to the hotel we went.
I went to bed that night with great happiness and contentment in my heart for having seen some more of God's beautiful handiwork.

1 comment:

  1. Oh believe me, I've heard that strange sound coming from the back of the van tooooo many times to count. It's the worst thing ever!

    But at least little B-man seemed better afterwards. Can't wait to see the rest of the pics.
