
Friday, January 8, 2010

A Challenge

This day, in itself, will be a challenge. Hubs is sick with some kind of stomach bug and all 4 kids are here today, too. Due to the massive 1, possibly 2, inches of snow we have outside. And maybe that is a very generous estimation.....I'm not very good at that sort of thing. Anyway - with a sick husband, 4 kids and a meeting I'm supposed to attend sometime today, and dr. appointments for all 4 kids to get their booster H1N1 shots--- I'm thinking today will be a challenge.

But that isn't what this post is to be about. I am writng today because a friend of mine, Elaine, read my list of resolutions (which by the way- I've already thought of more things to add). She emailed me and said that we should read the bible through in a year together in order that we could hold one another accountable. I thought that was a fabulous idea and then! Elaine had another fabulous idea. She suggested we invite more people to join us -- saying "the more the merrier, right?"

Well - I couldn't agree more! SO - that is your challenge. Would you like to join us in reading the bible in a year? This is the bible that I bought. Except I bought it in paperback for $5 at Lifeway last week. SO run, run, run to your nearest Lifeway Store and get yours! AND it is not too late! I know that it is not January 1st but to be honest I didn't even get my bible until the 4th so I'm just reading two a day when I can until I catch up to today's date! You can do that, too!

Also - before I go - I just want to share with you why I decided to get a "one year bible" instead of using one of the myriad of bibles that we already have at our house. Last year, about this same time, I read someones blog (I wish I could remember whose it was) about their New Year's Resolutions. And this lady said that every December she bought a new One Year Bible to read each year. She said that not only was she reading her bible in it's entirety each year but that it also served as a journal of sorts because she could go back through previous year and see what she had written in each one. She could see the dates of things that happened and see where and what God was saying to her. Well - I decided that I would do that this year. I love the idea of being able to do all of those things!!!

Now, here's the question for you -- How shall we do this? How do we in blogland keep one another accountable? If you want to join us and have an idea of how to actually go about all of this -- let me know! Let's see what we can do and we will all be proud of ourselves and closer to God come December 31st, 2010!

Ya'll have a great Friday! I got an email while I was doing this post that my meeting is being rescheduled. One less challenge for today. YEAY!!! Don't forget that my giveaway is open until Sunday night at midnight! Go and enter now! Can't wait to see who is gonna jump on this challenge with us!

In HIM -


  1. Hope hubs feels better and that noone else gets it. We got a ton of snow, but no snow day. Boo hoo.

  2. Ha ha! That's hilarious you posted this today. Did you read the link I gave to my post from last year? That will answer your question about who the lady was :) I loved doing this last year and learned so much. I was excited to start all over on January 1st. That and the Scripture memory has strengthened my walk with the Lord so much.

  3. Sorry to hear you have sick ones. We had this over Christmas...

  4. We have had a sick house too....I have a fun giveaway on my blog...a $100 prize ..comments will be closed on Monday night, but today's entries get extra stop by and join in the fun.

  5. Well, I'm definitely in for the challenge! I love being kept accountable...helps me stay on track. And, I have a one-year Bible too. So far, I love it! Mine is a chronological one, and I'm looking forward in seeing the differences between it and the one I read through last year!

  6. I just discovered your blog (through a mutual blog) and this is something that I've been wanting to do for 3 years now and have yet to be successful. COUNT ME IN!

  7. You know I'm in :) I haven't had a chance to run by Lifeway, but I just ordered one of those bibles on Amazon, so it should be here this week. Until then, I'll just use the guide I found at this website (incase anybody else is looking for one):
