
Monday, January 11, 2010

Win -Win - Winner!!!!!

Well - I was hoping to get this done first thing this morning BUT of course things didn't go the way I planned them. That is usual for everyone, right? Mondays are always one of the busiest days of my week but today has been even busier! My kids school had a two hour delay this morning so that started us out today running a little later. Then I went to work out (my legs will be jelly tomorrow but YEAY ME!!!) , after that I had a meeting and some errands to run!

SO, now I'm home for the moment - and I'm finally sitting down to get to my blog for today. I went to random generator-- put in the numbers and now, here it is !!!! The winner of the CSNbaby giveaway is........

Congratulations, Joy! Send me an email at with all your stuff including which dress you want and in what size and I will get it taken care of.
THANK YOU to everyone who entered! Now, I must get going my list of to-do's is still really long today. I've got to prepare for a meeting tonight, make a grocery list, get groceries, and then attend 2 different things tonight. NOT to mention doing homework with the kids. WOW - I'm already worn out thinking about the rest of the day.
Ya'll have a great one!!! I'm wondering today. Is it just me or are your Mondays as crazy as mine?
in HIM -


  1. Breathe -Mindy- Breathe! (:>) It sounds like your Monday kept you runny at break-neck speed!

    I am sure you felt like you accomplished a lot at the end of the day...but I'll bet you were tired!!!

    Your blog is so bright and cheerful...I enjoyed just coming here today and it made me smile.

    I love the verse at the top of your header. These are the things we should think on always....thanks for the reminder!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  2. Well, if I was not the one who won, I am SO glad that it is my friend Joy who won!!!! (She is like a sister to me!) However...I am doubting that she emailed you yet, considering she leaves bright and early tomorrow morning to go to China to pick up their brand new daughter Sarah Mei. (Here is their website if you would like to follow their journey: )

    I am having my goodbye lunch with her in a little bit. I will make sure that she knows she won (she has been really busy with the last min stuff!!!) and look for an email from me, not her.
