
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Birthday Girl

We have a Birthday Girl in our house today! My baby girl, Miss L is 5 years old today! It's been a great year for Miss L! Last year for her birthday, she was very into singing. This year it's all about the American Girl Dolls.

She's learned a lot this year. She can write lots of letters and lots of words. She can sound out words, although we aren't really reading yet. She absolutely loves school and enjoys going everyday. She's even learned some things about Jesus this year.
We have enjoyed L in her 4th year. She is full of giggles! She loves her sisters and her brother fiercely and yet can be so mean when wants to me. {Sometimes I refer to her as "the little girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead -- you know that poem, right?} But those mean moments have dropped in number and she has given us many more moments of laughter!

She has been so excited all day about her birthday. She informed her Daddy yesterday at lunch that since it was her birthday that meant that she got a cupcake. SO - I stopped and got cupcakes for her to enjoy with her friends at school this morning which she said were delicious! In our house, on your birthday, you get to choose what is for dinner. Just like a girl, she is prone to changing her mind - but for now she wants to go to Ryan's. {I'm dreading that place just thinking about it!} BUT - go I will in honor of Miss L!
Since L is 5 today, I think by now you know that in our house that means it's a BIG party year. We have been busy working on L's party which won't happen until January 30th because that is when we could get the church. I will be sending out the invitations to her friends and our family this week. We are using black, pink and zebra print (because everyone needs a little animal print) and here is a hint to the theme Miss L has chosen!

Happy Birthday, Miss L! We all love you very much!
Ya'll have a great afternoon. Lots to do today (as usual -- seems like that is ALL I say) and it's time for the older girls to be home from school. Homework and chores loom large in our future.
Be back tomorrow I hope!!!!
in HIM -


  1. I'm a horrible aunt for not calling!!! I hope I can make it to the bday party. Tim's bday is that weekend, too, though. :( I'll let you know. Love you!

  2. happy 5th birthdat Miss L. May your year be full of your dreams and wishes xxx

  3. Happy Birthday Miss L!! Love the pictures!
