
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Moments {2.13.15}

Another week has come and gone.
This week has been marked by lots of little moments that I want to remember.  
Loads of work and busy times.
I love looking back each week at the pictures I have taken.

Saturday, February 7, 2015 --
Early Saturday morning, we still had company from our sleepover the night before.
These three had a great time playing outside together.

Allie was out of town all weekend with the Middle School youth from church.
Maggie doesn't like to downstairs alone when Allie isn't here. (Can't say I blame her).
So, on Saturday night these three had a sleepover in Lillie's room.


Sunday, February 8, 2015 --
Mason brought his sweet dog to visit us at SWAG Sundays on Sunday afternoon.
Such a sweet puppy.

Sunday was a beautiful day.  
A touch of spring.
72 degrees.
But, there was a lot of wind.
made for a beautiful picture!

 38/365......bright, bright, sunshiny day

Monday, February 9, 2015 --
Lots of working on Monday and shopping for groceries.

But I did get to read a book while I waited on Lillie at piano lessons.

39/365.....100th day of school....

Tuesday, February 10, 2015--
Tuesday was  cloudy, cloudy day.   I worked and then ran some errands.
It was nice to look out and see sunshine through the clouds at one point.
Tuesday night was a busy one.
Ken and I both had meetings.
Afterwards, I was ready to veg.
Which I did. With these.
Carb loading at the end of a busy day.....not the best idea.

40/365....carb love....

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 --
Wednesday was another 'regular' Wednesday.  
Work and then home to do homework and make supper for the family.
Brady and I finished his Valentines cards.
Maggie helped me make supper on this night.
We are usually so busy that it is hard to find time to cook together.
This was a special night.

41/365....learning to chop veggies.

Thursday, February 12, 2015 --
This kid came home from school in a very foul mood.  
It was wearing me out, frankly.
He keep telling me he didn't have any homework.
What you need to understand is that Brady, in Kindergarten, has the same homework each day of the week.
Every week.
Monday - Thursday.
On Thursdays, he has a Writing assignment.  
He kept telling that he didn't have any homework.
Exhausting.  Really.
We finally made it happen, though.

I walked in to the living room after supper and found this on tv.
SO very thankful that shows like this still run on tv and that my kids want to watch it.

42/365..... takes me back to my childhood.

Friday, February 13, 2015 --
I love dressing for the holiday.
The kids all wore new Valentine's shirts to school.  

Our friend, Wendy, sent me a message early in the week to see if Ken and I needed a babysitter to go out for Valentine's Day.
What an amazing friend she is to our family!!

Ken and I got to go out for supper to one of our favorite local restaurants.
We then went to see "Crowns" at a community theater.  
It was a great show and a great evening.

Another wonderful, crazy, busy week has come and gone.
Can't wait to see what this week brings.

I hear it might even involve some of the white stuff flying around the sky! 

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