
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Moments { 2.20.15}

This has been a week.
It has been a week of some very sad news
but also a week of rest in a lot of ways for me.
And for that I am very thankful.  
It has also been full of some poignant moments....
Here they are. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015 --
Saturday held a restful morning with a late breakfast of pancakes and bacon.
Then it was off to watch Lillie's soccer game.
Due to most of her games being on Thursday nights and my having bible study that night, this was the only indoor soccer game I got to watch her play.  

44/ girl.

After the soccer game, we went for an early Valentine's supper as a family to a great new Mexican restaurant .  I cannot wait to go back again. It was fantastic.

We came home and watched a movie together as a family.
This is Ken telling our kids the story of how we met that night.
They found it hilarious ( though, it really isn't that funny).
They all giggled so hard.

Sunday, February 15, 2015 --
Worship and then home for....

45/365.... afternoon naps....

Ken and Maggie headed out in the early afternoon for Sky High with our 5th and 6th Grade Ministry, The Bridge.  
So, the other two had to go to youth with Allie and I.
They had a great time getting to be with the big kids.

My picture of this got erased somehow. =/  

Monday, February 16, 2015 --
We got word on Sunday night that since a winter story was expected that school would release at 1PM.
I got groceries and  made a stop at a cute little shop in the town where I got groceries.

46/365....couldn't resist these.

I picked the kids up at 1pm and snowflakes began to trickle fly at about 3PM.
They were so excited!

 Tuesday, February 17, 2015 --
The forcast was for a bit of snow and then some freezing rain.
Thankfully, in our area -- we got snow showers and sleet.
SO, we had power and  the kids had a blast sledding.
Sleet and snow freeze down for some great sledding.

We spent the morning out sledding with some friends before the sun came out and melted our sledding hill.

47/365....Such a great time!!

On Tuesday, we got word that Ken's grandmother had had a stroke that afternoon that affected her right side, her speech and her swallowing.  
She is 98 years old, but it still seemed a bit shocking.  

Wednesday, February 18, 2015 --
School's were still closed due to the icy back roads.
Maggie had a doctor appointment so I did venture out for a while.
Thankfully, the main roads were good.
We had some more snow showers in the afternoon on Wednesday.
He was watching it snow out the window.

48/365.....hoping for more....

Due to road conditions, we had to cancel our Ash Wednesday Service. I was really bummed about that, but thankful for the time at home with my family.
This silly boy.  

Thursday, February 19, 2015 --
After the snow showers on Wednesday, a cold front came barreling in.
The Siberian Express made it's presence known in the south with a low of about 12 degrees on Thursday morning.
SO, my kids had a 3 hour delay in school start times.
I did get back to the office for a while on Thursday after getting the kids off to school.

We also cancelled our last bible study session due to some questionable roads.
That was sad, but understandable.

Since we had cancelled our bible study, I had another evening free at home with my family.
I made chili for supper and was in my bedroom slippers at 4PM.


Friday, February 20, 2015 -- 
The Siberian Express brought us a low of 9 degrees on Friday morning, so there was another three hour delay.

Coffee and bible reading after sleeping in?  
So wonderful.

We had planned on getting our kids out of school early on Friday to go see Ken's grandmother.
However, with the 3 hour delay, we figured we would just take the day and head on up there.
We spent about 2 hours with her in her room.
It was very hard to understand her, of course, but I know that she was glad to see us.
Before we left, we all prayed with her.
Ken leading a prayer for his grandmother....

50/365.... precious.

We did some shopping on the way home and spent some time just being a family.

I am not going to lie.
My snow-cation has been nothing short of wonderful.
I know it cannot continue, but I am so thankful for the rest that this week has allowed my family.
Even with the sad things,  as one of the most beloved of our church members passed on Friday also, it was  certainly a week to be thankful for.

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