
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Moments {2.27.15}

This has been another icy, snowy and cold week in the south.
It really is unusual for us to miss as much school as my kids have in the last two weeks.
Except for the make- up days, I don't hate it though.
Sleeping in has been really nice!
This is what our week has held.....

Saturday, February 21, 2015 --
On Saturday, we had a lazy day at home.  I savored what I thought would be our last day in.
I read and did some small chores.  I also got back on my treadmill for the first time since I broke my foot back in December.  
I did run about a mile of it but the rest was a walk.
It went better than I expected.  
Time to get back into the habit!

It was a great pajama day for us all.

Sunday, February 22, 2015 --
On Sunday, we got up and got ready for church.
Lillie asked me to curl her hair.  I didn't have time to do it with the curling iron, so I offered to try out the hot rollers that Grammy had bought  for them.
I was worried they wouldn't work.
Thankfully, and to everyone's delight, especially Lillie's -- they did.

The afternoon held the funeral of one of our sweet church members.  She was a pastor's wife herself.
As I heard what  my husband and the others who spoke about her had to say, I found myself hoping that I can be remembered as she is. As someone who lived her faith and loved others.  
She has been sick a lot since we arrived her 3 years ago and I didn't get to know her as well as I would've liked.  She has given me something to strive for for sure.  As I am sure all who knew her would say!

A beautiful  Sunday sunset...

Monday, February 23, 2015 --
Monday was back to school and work for us all.
Except for Allie. Who had started running a fever on Sunday evening.
SO it was off to the doctor, where she was diagnosed with strep throat.
 She opted to get a shot in order to get back to school as quickly as possible.  

Brady didn't have any homework on Monday afternoon. 
Instead, he decided to play with the new whoopie cushion he got while out on Sunday afternoon.

53/365..... God gave me this boy to stretch me. 
 I do not like potty humor.  I've never liked whoopie cushions....

Allie had a cough and sounded really yucky on Monday evening but with ibuprofen was alright.
We played a game of bible trivia before bed.  I love this picture.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015 --
I woke at my normal time on Tuesday morning and looked outside to see snow.
About an inch.  
About 5:30 am, the call came.
No school.
The kids were excited and I was glad that Allie wasn't missing another day of school.

I walked over to the church to do some work.
Because I didn't want to get my boots wet, I wrapped bags around my feet.
Walked out the door.....and slid right down and got wet.

Allie was feeling better by the evening and her fever was down to 99.  But I wasn't feeling so well.

54/365.....glad to be feeling better.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015 --
Since I had started feeling badly and one of my symptoms was an especially sore throat, I went to the doctor.
Thankfully, I didn't have strep.
A viral infection she said.

The weather was calling for snow Wednesday evening and overnight so we cancelled our church activities for the night.  
Right before I started making supper, Allie told me that she was really cold.
We took her temperature and it was back up to 102.2
So, after talking to the doctor, she went back to see them to figure out why her fever was back up.

Hubs took her to the doctor so I could make supper.
Homemade chicken and dumplings were in order.

Hubs called and said that Allie had the flu. =/

55/365.....hoping this was a wonder medication for us all.  It wasn't.
But it did taste delicious.

Thursday, February 26, 2015 --

I woke feeling terribly, but Allie's fever was down to under 100,  and she said she was feeling alright.
"Just a cough" she said.
So she insisted that she could go outside in the snow.

56/365.... another snow day.

This snow left about 4 inches.
They had a blast out there.
I decided that I probably had Allie's flu and stayed in bed.

February, February 27, 2015 --
Again on Friday there was no school.  
I felt a bit better on Friday, so I got up to do some work around the house that needed to be done.
Loads of laundry to do.

Because I was feeling a bit better and we had all been in the house for so long, we did some errands in the afternoon.
By the time I got home, I was worn out, so I went bed early.
Not too long after I got this shot. 

57/365.... dusk....

Another week of snow days has been nice.
We are all going to have a hard time in March.
Weeks and weeks of going to school on time and getting out of bed early is going to be tough. =)

But, that is where we are headed.
And I for one, while I love a good snow or two each year, am ready for the warm up and the promise of Spring that is coming with this coming week.

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