
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Moments {1.30.15}

This has been a great week.
A week with a visit from grandparents.
A week of Daddy/ Daughter trips and shopping trips.
And a little down time, too.
Here is what we have been up to this past week ----

Saturday, January 24, 2015 --
I had a meeting first things Saturday morning.  It was a breakfast meeting that lasted all the way until lunch.  But, it was good company and we got a lot accomplished so it was well worth it!
Once I got home in the afternoon, I was home for a while and got to hang out with my family before going out to a late supper with a friend and her son, who happens to be one of my favorite former youth!

 A moment with My love.

These two and their devices.
For Brady, it is becoming an issue. 
We are setting limits on how much time he can spend playing on them.
24/ boys.

Sunday, January 25, 2015 --
My family and I got up early and drove to the Concord Airport.
A few years ago, Ken mentioned that he would like to do a trip with each of our kids when they got to be 12.  We talked about it and backed the age up to 13 for various reasons.
Allie turned 13 back in October and since school was to be out on Monday and Tuesday, this was the perfect time for a trip.

They were flying out on Sunday morning.

A Daddy/ Daughter trip to Universal Studios!

Monday, January 26, 2015 --
Since Daddy and Allie were gone, Grammy and Granddaddy came to stay with the rest of us.
I do NOT like being home alone so they came over to stay.
As I said, school was out on Monday, so Grammy, Lillie, Maggie and I went shopping.  (Granddaddy and Brady went fishing and to lunch themselves).
They spent their money and we all had a great time!

Once we got home, Grammy and I cooked supper.
Lillie is the most picky eater I have.  Supper is always hard for her.

26/365.....Every. single. night.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015 -

Another day out of school.  I worked some in the morning and the three kids here spent the morning with Grammy and Granddaddy.
I didn't take this picture, but Ken sent me a link to see it.
It is my favorite!!
This is the Mummy ride at Universal.  
Poor Allie. 

Brady had a soccer game in the evening, so we all grabbed supper and then headed on over to the game.
Brady isn't so sure he wants to play in these soccer games.  
As a matter of fact, he cried and told me he didn't want to play.
This league is actually for older kids but they allowed him to "play up".  And I really think there are some kids "playing down" so a lot of the kids are twice his size.
I think he is rather intimidated.
But, he finally decided he would play in the game.
I was so proud of him!

27/365.....indoor soccer boy!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 --
School started back up on Wednesday.
(Allie missed one day).
We got everyone off to school and then I went to work.
After I got some work done, I went to lunch with Grammy and Granddaddy and then got some groceries.
Once we got home, we carried in all the groceries and I was walking back out to the car when I saw and heard our cat.
He has been gone for two months.
I can't believe he really came back!

Since it was Grammy and Granddaddy's last night, it was time for a round of chicken foot.
After the game, we got a picture.

28/365......Thank you for coming to stay!  We love you Grammy and Granddaddy!

Thursday, January 29, 2015 --
Ken and Allie came home on Thursday morning.
SO, I went to the airport to pick them up and then came back to get some work done.  
I went to get the kids from school and saw these clouds.  
Maggie said " It looks like God shining through darkness."
I think she is right!

Allie made it back for half a day of school, too! 

29/365...... We are happy our family is all together again!

Friday, January 30, 2015 --
I had a hair appointment Friday morning. I love getting my hair done.
Then ran a couple of errands before coming home.
It was very windy!!

Hubby was sweet enough to do the after school run and then we ordered pizza and had family movie night!.
30/365.....the best of times.....

That was our week!
Can't wait to hear about yours!

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