
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Moments { 9.5.14 and 9.12.14}

School has returned so that means even more busy.
I started this picture post a whole week ago and then never got it finished.  
SO.  Two weeks worth of what we've been doing again.

Saturday, August 30, 2014 --  We took Brady and his friend out to eat with the family to celebrate Brady's birthday.  He chose Steak and Shake. It is his favorite.

After lunch and a few hours play time, his friend went home.
I spent the late afternoon cleaning  my laundry room.  I mean major cleaning and cleaning out, too.
I came out of the laundry room to find this.
At least they were playing together instead of fighting.
I wasn't upset about the mess.
239/365.....Lego girls.

Sunday, August 31st, 2014 --  After worship, we went shopping as a family.
Drove to some new 'outlets' about an hour from my house.
There were a million people there taking advantage of the Labor Day Sales and I wasn't even that impressed.  So, we didn't stay a really long time.
Maggie had a sleepover birthday party that night, so we dropped her off and headed out to get some supper.
I love driving over the lake. So pretty....

240/365... showing off his brand new hoodie.....

Monday, September 1, 2014 --  After a quiet early morning alone, I got in a quick run and then we went to visit my in laws for the day since it was a holiday and there was no school.

While there, Brady got to try out his birthday present.....

241/365.....flying his plane

Tuesday, September 2, 2014 --  Back to school and work for us all.  
It was hot as the blazes this day. 
I was (and am still) longing for the cooler weather of fall....

After we got everyone home and supper finished, we actually had no where to be on this evening.
I spent a little time cleaning and sorting some things in my room.
I came across these.  
At my wedding shower, the hostess had people write marriage advice for me on these cards.
Reading back through them 14 and a half years later, there is some amazing advice in there. 
All from wonderful friends, family and women from my home church.  
What a blessing.
242/365......sage advice and love.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014 --   Another busy day at work and school for all of us.
Our children's choir (God Squad) started back up on this night.
This is how I found Lillie when I walked in to kiss her goodnight.
This is how I always find her.
She loves books and music.

Then I watched the video for my bible study that would start the next night.
I have done this particular study 5 times already. Every. single. time. God has another layer of stuff to work through with him so that I can be more like him.
He is so good and I cannot tell you how much I love bible study.

243/ element.

Thursday, September 4, 2014 --  We are doing two sessions of this study.
One in the morning and one in the evening.
I was so excited to get started and get these ladies into His Word.
I know they will be transformed by this time with Him.

Allie came home and told us that she had been elected on to Student Council by her homeroom class.  I didn't even know she wanted to do it  She has never wanted any part of it before....
244/ proud of her.

Friday, September 5, 2014 -- The High School I attended came to NC to play.
It was about 3 hours away, but since we had friends who lived nearby and graciously agreed to house us for the night, we drove up to watch.
And we got to see Papa (my dad), too.
He goes to every football game played by the local high school.

 245/365....SO thankful to Jenny and Tripp for letting us crash at their house for the night.!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2014 --  We had a nice visit with our friends on this morning and went out for breakfast with them at a local place.  The food was yummy and the company --  the best!

We stopped on the way home to have an impromptu lunch in Sylva with our buddies the Newkirks.
AND - Emily came!!
After lunch, we went to the park for a while.
Tripp and Jenny and Emily love our kids fiercely.
They are truly a blessing to our family.
And my kids love them all. Fiercely.


Unfortunately, once we headed home, Brady started throwing up.
I was hoping it was just car sickness because he does that sometimes.
But, no. As it day progressed and the nastiness continued, I knew.
Stomach bug.

Sunday, September 7, 2014 --   We were to kick off our Fall Youth Program with the 7th Grade Welcome Event.  I was so looking forward to this. We were going to 'kidnap' all of our new 7th graders and take them to breakfast. 
Since, Brady was sick, I couldn't go. 
I sat and watched the sun rise across the street watching the older youth gather to head out.

My house was the first stop.
Allie is one of our new 7th graders.
It was so fun watching them get her out of bed and tell her to come on.

Monday, September 8, 2014 --  I worked in the morning and then got to have lunch with my friend Kandi, who was here for a workshop.

He went to school on Monday because it had been over 24 hours with no throwing up and no fever.
But he still wasn't feeling great I don't think.
He said he was  that morning -- 
but this was how he sat all afternoon when he got home from school.
248/365.....poor boy.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014 -- Lillie's teacher wrote a grant and is doing what is called a "Walking Classroom" this year.  Her class goes out on a walk for the exercise while listening to lessons on podcasts.  
I went and walked with them on Tuesday morning.
We listened to a lesson on germs.
and gross things like mucus and sweat.
But it was informative.
I do love the concept of the walking classroom.
We walked at least a mile.

Two kids had dentist appointments that afternoon and then we had errands to run so 
the evening was full of homework.
249/365..... working hard.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014 --  Allie had an orthodontist appointment first thing on this day.
So, I grabbed a coffee and did my bible study while I waited.

I got her back to school around 10:30 and then worked until time to pick them up from school.
We ate supper, I had a meeting and we had God Squad where we started working on the music for our Christmas play.  It was a super busy day.
Arrived home to find these.
My mom sent me all these parenting books.
250/365.....hope I find time to read them.

Thursday, September 11, 2014 --  We had bible study and then I worked until time to get the kids.
Got in the car and realized I had no gas.
Thankfully , I managed to pick everyone up and get to the gas station without running out of gas!

Ken, Brady and Lillie headed out to soccer shortly there after and Maggie, Allie and I headed back to church for the second session of bible study.
Once we finally made it home, I was exhausted.
Had a little snack and went to bed.
251/ Reese's that are shaped as something!

Friday, September 12, 2014 --   Hubs and I are working to make Fridays 'date days'.  
We went and worked out together.
We did a spin class and a weights class after that.
I almost died.    I just thought that running was keeping me in shape!
But, I'm glad we did it together!

We spent the day together and then picked up the kids from school.
We went to supper as a family.
Allie went to the youth center with her friends for the evening and the rest of us watched movies.

Two more weeks in the books.
I want life to slow down so much.

Maybe I can get to place where it will slow down for me. Sometime soon!!

Linking up at 

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