
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Moments {9.19.14}

You know that saying?
The years are short but the days are long?
Every week I get to Friday and think that another week couldn't have flown by.
The days seem to fly by they are so full.
I really would like for life to slow down.  

Here are the moments that I captured in the blur of the past week.

Saturday, September 13, 2014 --
Our day started with a bit of a lazy morning and then it was time for Miss Lillie's first soccer match of the season.
She made the first goal of the game.

253/365 -- SO proud of her!

After soccer, we ran home to let Lillie change clothes and then, ran some errands to get some things for church.
Then we grabbed some supper while we were out and headed home to get ready for Sunday.
We went over to church to set up for the Flamingo Flu that would start the next day.

Sunday, September 14. 2014 --
This day began in a rush because I slept in a long longer than I should have.
But then we made it to church on time and started our flamingo vaccine sales.
Always such a fun fundraiser

After church, we went home for a bit before heading out to a late lunch as a family.
Then it was back to church for me to prepare for youth and then lead our SWAG Sundays.

254/365....we had a great evening!

Monday, September 15, 2014 --
This brave girl finished her poster for Student Council.
The poster was to go up in her classroom and then she would have to make a speech about why her classmates should vote for her. She did all of that this week and now we are waiting on results. =)
255/365.....Vote for Maggie!!

Monday's are  always crazy days as that is the day when where we have multiple evening activities.  It was nice to have a few minutes in the afternoon to see my hubby working with Brady on reading. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014 --  Tuesday was staff meeting and work in the morning and then I headed off to get groceries in the afternoon.
As I was shopping at Target, I came across these. 
They took me back to the late 80's and early 90's when I had many different colors of these shoes.  
I loved them so much.
Trying to decide if I could pull them off  20+++ years later.....

Tuesday evening for me was a meeting so I spent most of the late afternoon preparing for it.
Allie was checking her bedtime blood sugar when I got home.
Her numbers have been good lately.
Hate it, but I feel like I'm waiting on the other shoe to drop at any moment.
But, I am proud of her for taking care of herself and doing all that she has to do these days just to eat a meal.

256/365.....Type 1 Diabetes is a lot of work, but she's still smiling. {most of the time}

Wednesday, September 17, 2014  --
I got in a run on Wednesday morning and then headed off to work.
Allie is taking band this year and is learning to play the flute.
I love it!

I had to take this boy to the doctor on Wednesday afternoon. 
I was not thrilled to find out that he had Impetigo.
Bless his heart. He's only been in school for 3 weeks and has already had something contagious twice.
Allie made a sign for him and stuck it on his back.
257/365....Highly Contagious.

Thursday, September 18, 2014 --
Thursday was bible study group number one in the morning and then work.
And bible study group number two in the evening.
I love all of the ladies doing this study with me.

I got this sweet note from my boy on Thursday.
The '5' is because it is my favorite number. 
258/ letter from my sweet boy.

Friday, September 18, 2014 --
Thankfully, I took most of Friday off.
I happened to walk through our living room and saw this.
The kids had placed these up on the shelf.
Those toys on the left were mine when I was a baby.
And the picture on the right was on the wall in my sister-in-law's bedroom when she was a child.
I think they were playing 'store'.
Must've been an antique store. =)
On Friday evening, I went to work at our churches Youth Center.
Hubs was out playing soccer with the kids before I went over.
Love this shot.
259/365....pure joy....

That is what we have been up to this week.
What about you?

Linking up at 

Nurse Loves Farmer

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