
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Moments {6.6.14}

Another week of lots to do.
Taking a moment to look back over it all gives me time to stop and reflect --
even if for just a moment. {GRIN}

Saturday, May 31 , 2014 -- 
Another Saturday of ball games for two of my kids. Maggie had a 10AM softball game. I thought it was at 10:30 and realized I was wrong at about 9:40, so we arrived at the exact time for the game.
After her game, we went home for lunch and came back for Brady's last t-ball game.  
Flowers picked for me. 
By my kiddo's.  
Sweet little moments like these are what it is all about. 

149/365....... T-ball is the best.  Even though these two were on opposite teams, they are still buddies first.  

Sunday, June 1, 2014 -- Another busy, busy Sunday for us. 
Youth Group.
Then Miss Lillie's first piano recital.
She played "Pop, Goes The Weasel" and a hymn that I cannot remember the name of right now.
She has only been taking lessons for about 2 months, but she is doing amazing!

150/365.......I'm so proud of her!

And then it was home for a small rest before a supper meeting at church.
After the meeting, I came home and did a little late night menu planning.
If you look at this picture and think. Gosh, she is a bit ocd.....well, yes. 
I admit that I am.

Monday, June 2, 2014 -- Monday was a bookend.....bookended? VBS meetings. And lots of work and a softball game in between.
Brady and I went through all of the art work he brought home from preschool to decide what to keep and what 'not to keep'.
One of the things in there was a picture he drew of me.
151/365.......scary, stressed out Mommy......

Stressed out Mommy dreaming of a vacation in the sun....... 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014 - The power was out at church most of the day, so Brady and I took the opportunity to take our time getting out the door to get groceries. This is my silly boy on the way home. He got new sunglasses and a new flashlight.  
Made his day.

Once we were home and all the groceries put away, I went for a walk in a our yard.
There are apple trees in our back yard.

152/365.....they smell heavenly.....

Wednesday, June 4, 2014 -- This was my marathon work day this week.  Not really a marathon, but to Brady it felt like it. We arrived to the church at 9am and by about 1:00, he was extremely tired of sitting around with not much to do.
So, he and I went to grab some lunch at a local place up the street.
It was a reward for him being so good and for the fact that we were going back for another hour until time to get the girls from school.
These are our silly faces as we took a break.

We had our last Family Night Picnic at church that evening and then I had another meeting. Yes, I did have a meeting every night last week.
I arrived home just in time to over see Allie's new bedtime routine.

153/365......bedtime snack - 3 crackers with peanut butter.

Thursday, June 5, 2014 --- A beautiful start to the morning.....

Thursday included a trip to take Allie to the orthodontist and a quick lunch out before taking her back to school.  Then Brady and I spent some time in the yard. He wanted me to watch him jump from the swings.
154/365......growing up. so sad. 

Friday, June 6, 2014 ---  It was a hard morning for our family.  Sometimes things are just hard.  And being 12, or 10, or 9 or 5 makes it worse.  Shoot.  Sometimes being 40 makes it worse. ;)
After all that was over, I  went and got some more work done before time to get going for our evening.

155/365......softball and t-ball have taken a lot of our time lately. It's bitter sweet that it is {almost} over.

It was a busy evening for our family.
Ken and Lillie headed out yesterday afternoon for a mountain ride on the rails.
Maggie had her final (regular season) game.
Brady had his T-ball awards and his 'All-Star' Game.
And Allie attended her End of Elementary Party.

Lots of changes happening in our family.
As I've said before it is a time of finding our 'new normal'.  
I'm kind of hoping we find it soon.  It's wearing me out.

Linking up at 

life rearranged


Nurse Loves Farmer

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