
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Moments {6.13.14}

The moments I captured and want to remember from our week.
It's been quite a week around here that has ended with the first day of SUMMER.
We couldn't be happier about that!

Saturday, June 7, 2014
This day started with VBS training at church.
Ken and Lillie were still in the mountains  so the rest of us did some shopping at Old Navy and then went out to supper together.

I also finished this book that night.  I think it was a good book.
Allie (12) REALLY  wants to read it.
I'm not so sure I'm good with that.
I'm up for your thoughts on the subject!!

Sunday, June 8, 2014 --
Another busy Sunday for us.  We celebrated our Graduates with a breakfast as well as during worship. They are each given a quilt and a bible to take with them to college.

That afternoon, we had The Bridge ( our 5th/6th grade ministry) and an End of the School Year Lake party for our youth ministry....

A very full day full of lots of fun before heading home to get ready for school.

Monday, June 9, 2014 --
VBS is coming up at our church in just a couple of weeks.
That means I have a lot to do.  
Not to mention that we had a meeting with our local diabetic educator with Allie right in the middle of the day, so getting groceries was out of the question.
We made a quick trip to Steak and Shake for an early supper before rushing back home for our evening activities.

I had some things to work on for VBS that evening and hubs was in a meeting, so our kids were playing on the playground.  Our friend, Elizabeth asked her Mom to allow the girls to join them for girl scouts.  She graciously said yes. 
They had lots of fun making these great decorative bottles.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 --
We started our day with Applesauce Muffins from Allie's diabetic cookbook.
She really liked them.

159/365......and just for a few minutes it was nice to see my 12 year old smile. 
{Any one else know what I'm talking about}

It was also another busy day of work. Part of which was spent delivering flyers.
You know you live in the country when you see this sign on the side of the road.....

I did get to have a nice lunch with a friend.
It was a wonderful break from the hurriedness of life. Thanks, BJ!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 -- Allie had her first visit with the Endocrinologist since we found out she has T1 Diabetes.  Everything went quite well. She has gained back all but 1 pound of the 16 she lost which is awesome.  
I really liked her doctor and I think that Allie liked her, too.
And she made us feel like we were handling all of this newness quite well.

Also on Wednesday. my sweet girl had her 6th grade bridging ceremony. 
This was a ceremony where she became an actual middle school student.
She is no longer an Elementary School student.
I can't believe it.
I so feel like I just blinked and we are suddenly at middle school.

160/365......a little heart breaking....

Thursday, June 12, 2014 --
Work, work and more work.

161/'s going to be great!

I also got to go to the graduation of one of our High School students on Thursday.
I was so honored that he asked me to come.

Friday, June 13, 2014 ---
The last day of school!!!!

I got my hair done and the kids went to school for the morning.
We then spent the afternoon doing family stuff.
It was a great afternoon. 
We haven't had family time in a long time and it was much needed.
We also got our traditional last day of school ice cream.
Well, we did Sweet Frog frozen yogurt this year.
Allie chose sugar free cheesecake flavor.  

162/ people!

 Linking up at 

life rearranged


Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. I loved that book, but not sure I could let my 12 yr old read it. It's pretty deep for me even as an adult.

  2. I super love that you give your grads a quilt to take to college!
