
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Moments {Two Weeks Worth 5.30.14}

It's been two weeks since I've shared pics.
And due to the unexpected events of the last two weeks, I ended up not getting one with my actual camera each day.  oh well......
Here are loads of pics sharing what we have been up to for the last two weeks!

Saturday, May 17, 2014 -- Our church gathered with some other local churches to pack meals for Stop Hunger Now. 

136/ was loads of fun and we packed over 20,000 meals!

We spent the rest of Saturday at ballgames and getting ready for the next day.
Though, I will say that it was on this day that I noticed for the first time that my Allie has lost a lot of weight.  

Sunday, May 18, 2014 -- We had church and youth. Then we took our 5th and 6th grade group - The Bridge -- to a fun place called Sky High.  It is a place where the walls and floors are trampolines.  This girl wasn't feeling well at all.  But I did get her to snap a picture with me.
This shot now haunts me as I knew she didn't look well and that she wasn't feeling well.
I just didn't know it was so serious at the time.

137/365......the whole gang at Sky High.......

Monday, May 19, 2014 --  On this day, I got up with the intention of running and then getting some work done before Allie's doctor appointment at 1:40PM , as she had started throwing up the night before and I was certain she had strep throat.  And, I wanted to  talk about the weight she had lost so I called the doctor first thing in the morning.
I did all of those things and got Allie to her doctor appointment.
Not knowing we would end up in the ER of the local hospital.....
(The next several shots of from my iPhone as i didn't have my camera with me)

138/ sick girl.  Diabetic Ketoacidosis.

We eventually got transferred to the Peds ICU at a children's hospital about an hour from home.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014 -- Allie had to be out of Ketoacidosis before they would let her eat.
Thankfully, around lunch time, there were no ketones in her urine and she could eat.

139/365.......eating made her feel good enough to take a good long nap.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 -- Allie's diagnosis is Type 1 Diabetes.
SO, on Wednesday , we continued our training on how to handle this disease.
I was so proud of this brave girl for giving herself a shot with out even flinching!

She had loads more visitors (which I plan to share on in the next day or two)

140/365......and even smiled for the first time in weeks.....

Thursday, May 22, 2014 -- Daddy brought the rest of the little people to visit their sister, and we had a special visit from our favorite clown.

141/365..... my loves.....

We also got to go home late that afternoon.

Friday, May 23, 2014 --  I spent Friday doing a little work and then took Allie to visit the school.
And then, it was softball time.
My softball girl 

142/365......a different kind of  school supplies stacked up ready to go.

May 24, 2014 -- Early Saturday morning, we got up and drove all the way to Georgia for my uncle's memorial service.  
It was a long day after a longer week, but I am glad I could be there to celebrate the life of one of my favorite people.
My camera said the card was full (rats!) so there were no photos take with my camera Saturday or Sunday. 
143/365...... my mom's gorgeous peonies......

After the memorial, we visited with Grammy and Granddaddy, my sisters family and Papa and Nana.
It was a nice visit.

Sunday, May 25, 2014 --- We attended church with my dad and then went to visit my grandparents before heading back home later that afternoon.
The kids were playing outside at my Granny's house and were way down in the garden when it came a downpour.

143/365.......just a little bit wet.

Much to my kids chagrin, we then drove all the way back home on Sunday afternoon.
I just needed a whole day to rest and do some laundry on Monday since it was a holiday and there was no school.

Monday, May 26, 2014 ---- After breakfast on Monday, we decided to get some exercise as a family.
Ken and I ran while the kids rode their bikes.

I then spent the rest of the day planning our meal for the week and getting completely overwhelmed with our new situation.

144/365 ......after the afternoon storm.  I love it when God shows me a rainbow.
It reminds me of his promises.  He remembered Noah. He remembers me!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014 --- I took Allie and all her new 'stuff' to school.
She had a good day at school and came home to about 6 cards in the mail.
She was so thankful to get them.

145/365...... And I am thankful to see her smile more these days.

our new schedule.  

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 ---  This day was Brady's last day of preschool ever.
To commemorate, he painted a rock.
He painted a jack-o-lantern.

146/365.....preschool is done!

Thursday, May 29, 2014 --  I was having another hard morning.  Feeling overwhelmed and having a bit of a pity party.  I got some perspective from some amazing ladies and a reminder from one of my girls who put this on our fridge.....
I found out later it was Maggie.

And later that night, my sweet boy graduated from preschool.

147/365......I cannot take it.

Friday, May 30, 2014 -  We started this day at the Character Kid Awards at school.
Allie was given the award for having the ability to synergize.  
It was also another diabetes first for us, as we found out how high being nervous makes Allie's blood sugar go......turns out that for this morning anyway, that number was 374. =/  
I think that situation probably made my own blood sugar -- and blood pressure go up. 
We did finally get her sugar to go down after a few hours and a couple of phone calls back and forth to the doctor and the school.

148/365......proud of my character kid.

 After the awards breakfast, I went on a day after graduation field trip with Brady to the Lazy 5 Ranch. And then worked for quite a while.  
Came home to find that our church had sent Allie flowers.  So kind.
I know she was so blessed by them. 

I started this post on Friday and am finally finishing it late Saturday night.
Life is just going so fast. And I am working to actually enjoy it. Especially as my family is learning a new normal that is taking up some time and a whole lot of extra planning.

Hope y'all have had a great couple of weeks!
I'm linking up at

life rearranged


Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. Wow. What a couple of weeks! I love that your sweet girl is smiling through all of these big changes in her life. My son is about to finish pre-k and I'm so excited for our summer and then for him to start kindergarten. Here's to enjoying a sweet and simple summer!!

  2. Wow... what a crazy series of events! So glad you know what is going on now, though, and that she can get to feeling better! That little graduate picture made me all teary eyed, lol! Precious.
