
Friday, May 9, 2014

Moments {5.9.14}

I haven't written a lot on this blog lately.  
I used to write so much more.
Maybe one day I will be able to write more than once a week.
Life just hasn't allowed for such in recent times.
Here is what has been happening in our lives this week.

Saturday, May 3, 2014 --
This day started off at the ball park for a tee-ball game and Maggie's softball practice.
I love watching him play teeball.  He loves it so much!

After all of the ball was over, we went home for lunch.
Before long it was time for our 
God's Green Earth Family Event at church.
This was such a fun event.
A Nature scavenger hunt, mystery items, and a phenomenal Environmental Educator to teach us all
about God's amazing earth.

122/365....catching critters to share.

Sunday, May 4, 2014 --
It was Confirmation Sunday.  We had 14 youth make professions of faith.
They also all joined the church on this day.
I'm so proud of them all.  
Some of our confirmands.....

The rest of Sunday was full of Game Day with our youth and batting practice for hubs.
Then out to supper as a family.

Do you have a favorite snack?
Lately this has been mine.
Chex Mix, Cheese-it's and Peanut M&M's......

123/ good but so bad.

Monday, March 5, 2014 --
Regular school and work day, and grocery getting day.
We grabbed a quick supper.
 Then it was time for Maggie's softball game.
Hubs had a meeting and his own softball game so everyone else went with me to cheer Maggie on.

My beautiful oldest daughter, Allie, at the game.
Some days, being twelve is hard.

124/365.....books on my table right now.....

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 --
Staff Meeting in the morning.
Then hubby and I went to see the movie "God's Not Dead".
He is preaching on this movie on Sunday so he had to go see it.
And I had  to go with him, of course.
 Tuesday evening brought more ball games and ball practices.
While waiting on Maggie at softball practice, I began this book.
Hoping to see this Middle School time that we are headed  quickly into as an "age of opportunity" and not a time to just be weathered.

When I got home from  softball practice, Allie was making banana bread for breakfast.
I offered to finish it for her, but she chose to do it herself.
125/365......learning to cook.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 --
While working on Wednesday, hubs sent me a note saying he was having Pinto Beans and Greens for lunch at his Rotary Club meeting.
It is not his favorite meal.
But it is one of mine.
He brought me some. 
He knows what this southern girl loves.

Wednesday night was our Family Night at church.  
Brady's preschool class did a program for us.
They did such a good job.

126/365 ........Playing the bells......

Thursday, May 8, 2014 --
Thursday was my day to run errands.
I was out of the house early and then back to get Brady from school at noon.
We then needed to run a couple of more errands so we grabbed some lunch at Showmar's.
He was enjoying leaning back in the chair and resting there.
I enjoyed my gyro platter, too.

When I got home, it was time to do some baking.
127/365...........Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread and White Wheat French loaves....

Friday, May 9, 2014 --
This morning Miss Lillie won a character award for "Seeking to understand, then to be understood".
I'm super proud of my girl, but I have no idea what that really means.
I don't know why they don't use the old character traits.
Things like "responsible" or "good citizen".
Those things I know.....

Being Friday, after school, we didn't have much going on for a while so we had some time to relax.
Maggie decided to show us a trick she learned at school.
She was supposed to be able to move the piece of paper she had over the top of the jar, with it upside down and it not spill on her sister's head.
She had already done the trick once to Brady and it worked out perfectly.
It didn't work out so well with Lillie.....
128/365......a surprise soaking....

Linking up with

life rearranged


Nurse Loves Farmer

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