
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Moments {5,16,14}

 The moments of our last week.
As I sit here at almost midnight on Friday night, I think back on this week.
It's been another busy one and I am looking forward to summer coming.
I'm hoping that when school is over, that we will have a little more downtime!

Saturday, May 10, 2014 -- Another Saturday that began with t-ball and softball.
We then went to see my in-law's new home and to celebrate Mother's Day with them.
We ate supper at this little bbq joint.  
The food was very good.
And there was a pig that the kids could ride next to our booth.
Three of my kids rode it for only $25 a piece.
Kid #4 was thoroughly embarrassed that her siblings thought riding the pig.

the day ended with a Lego explosion.

129/365......and for these few minutes there were all getting along.
Sibling Harmony......

Sunday, May 11, 2014 --
I didn't actually take this picture.
One of the kiddo's commandeered my phone on Sunday morning to take this picture.
I did instagram it.
I love this picture.
My oldest and our cat, Snow.

We had a pretty low key Mother's Day.
The kids had all made me cards and some sweet things at school.
And hubs gave me a card with the promise of a weekend away at a B&B in the near future.


Monday, May 12, 2014 --  Monday. Monday.
It was a long day which included my spending my afternoon at church separating food for the local Food pantry.  It was a great way to spend the afternoon, but tiring for sure.
By the time I got home, I was so tired.
But starving, so I hopped back in the car to run grab some food.
Loved the moon over the tree and the church as I drove out of my driveway.
Twilight is my favorite time of day.....

131/365......quick snack before bedtime.....

Tuesday, May 13, 2014 -- My new running shoes arrived on Tuesday.
This made me so excited when I got home from church.
I opened them quickly just to admire them before heading off to Maggie's softball game.

Once we were home from the softball game, I spent the rest of the night digging through pictures for a timeline that Lillie had to do for school.
I stared at the pics and couldn't believe time has gone by so fast.

132/365.....memories of Lillie.....

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 -  I had a doctor appointment first thing on Wednesday morning and a few errands to run.
Then I came back and worked all afternoon
This day was super windy outside as a cold front approached out area.
The trees shouted that rain was coming.

And then this arrived on Wednesday afternoon.
I blinked and she is moving on to middle school.

133/365....sigh.  How did we get here?

Thursday, May 15, 2014 -- The weather was very wet on Thursday. 
Which meant that after work all of our evening activities were cancelled, expect for Lillie's piano lessons.
This gave our family the rare chance to go out to supper together and not have to rush.
The wet weather.....
134/365......finishing her project....

Friday, May 16, 2014 -- This morning I got to rest for a while, and then worked some.
This afternoon though, I left for a Mom's Night out to see Mom's Night Out.
We started with supper at a local Italian place.  SO good.
And a nice HUGE cuppa joe to finish off supper.

and then it was on the movies.
I thought the movie was really good and I had a great time with these ladies tonight! 

I think we are going to make this a monthly event!! 

Y'all have a great weekend!
I'm linking up at

life rearranged


Nurse Loves Farmer

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