
Friday, May 2, 2014

Moments {5.2.14}

I feel like I just wrote a moments post.
That is because I did just write one.
I wrote my Moments post for last week just a few days ago....
On Monday since I was out of town until Sunday night.

Now, to continue sharing with you the little moments of time I have captured in the dailiness of our lives in the last week.

Saturday, April 26, 2014 -
We were still in Georgia last Saturday. 
We shopped all morning and then visited with my cousin and her daughter for a bit.
Her daughter had her dune buggy there and gave everyone rides.
Brady loved it.
The twins -- not so much.
They only wanted to sit in it when it wasn't moving..... 

115/365......Driving the tractor with Papa made his day.

Sunday, April 27, 2014 --
We went to my little home church on Sunday morning, then had lunch with my Dad and brother before heading back to NC.
My dad gave me this picture at lunch.
This is me at age 3 or 4 and  my grandfather - my Pa.
He passed away when I was 15.
He was my favorite person in all the world. 
I love this picture.  

116/365...... He did a Tough Mudder on this day.
I'm so proud!

Monday, April 28, 2014 --
Monday was back to life. Back to reality.
But we took a minute to get this shot of hubby for #headbandMonday on the Tough Mudder Site.
My Tough Muddin' Preacher Man. <3 p="">

This day was so busy that I barely had time to stop.  Work, softball, practices, meetings.......
I grabbed this shot right before bed.

117/365....cure all. Please cure my Pityriosis Rosea. {How did I get this!?!}

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 --
Another crazy day of work, meetings, and more meetings.
We grabbed a quick dinner out.
Maggie says this is how all selfies are done.

118/365......The radish Brady grew in his Preschool garden.
He brought it home from school today.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014 --
I finally went to an actual doctor to find out about the Pityriosis Rosea after working all morning.
Then, it was back to church for meetings for all of us.  
Allie snapped this shot of the sky as we were leaving church Wednesday evening.

119/ tough mudder boy......

Thursday, May 1, 2014 --
Each day at some point ( usually in the early morning, but not always) I read my bible.
I just started a new "read the bible in a year" program so I'm reading back in Genesis.
I love the story of Melchizedek in Genesis.  
Amazing to me.

we worked and schooled and had more meetings on this day.  
And had piano lessons and softball/teeball practice. 
We so enjoyed this awesome bread that one of the ladies in the office gave us.
120/365..... Apple Bread.

Friday, May 2, 2014 --
Today, I got to go on a Field Trip with my Maggie.
It was Math Day at the Mall.
Love this field trip!

And tonight brings a softball game for most of the family.
Allie is at a sleepover and I am headed to work at our churches youth center.

Another really busy week.
It is a crazy chaotic life!
Glad to stop for just a few and look back.
And be thankful.

Linking up at 

life rearranged


Nurse Loves Farmer

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