
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Playgrounds, Parks and Parties

On another day during our week in Georgia,
 we spent the morning at a park across the top of the mountain.

The kids had a grand time running, playing and chasing cousins.

and climbing

When these two were first born, I thought they didn't look alike at all.
{They are fraternal twins}
Now, I feel they look much more alike than I originally thought.
What do you think?

The see-saw was fun.

Especially with Grammy on the other end.

We left there and went out separate ways.
My sister and Mom took the twins to put them down for a nap.

My family went to grab some lunch and then on to Cloudland Canyon State Park to do some hiking.

Down we go.....

A place to stop and rest.



The beautiful water fall at the bottom.

Allie wasn't thrilled to be there. She was worried we would run into a bear.
While it is possible around there, I tried to assure her it wasn't probable.

Time to start back up....

I noticed this sign on the way out.  
Have fun but watch for falling rock!

The hike out was a workout.
LOTS of stairs....

Holding up the rocks....

Once we got back to the top we enjoyed the view of the canyon.


This park is literally in the back yard of the house I grew up in.
Backs right up to my dad's property.

SO pretty.....

After we finished our trip down in the canyon, we visited the cemetery where my dad's parents and loads of relations are buried to share some family history with the kids.

Then we went back to Grammy's for a 'party'.

The cooks.....

We partied with our family and had a really nice visit.

My step sister, Lauren and her family came out.
We got to meet our new niece and cousin. 
Baby Caroline.

And we had a grand time playing with her big brother, JP, too.

We all went to bed worn out from our day.
But we certainly had happy, contented hearts!!

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