
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Moments {4.4.14}

A few of the moments from our week.
I love looking back at what we have done as a family in the past week.
Especially in these days that seem to be flying by.

Here goes.
Saturday, March 29, 2014 --
My husband had an all day meeting at church and Allie was at my sister's house for the weekend.
So the rest of us were on our own.
Maggie had softball practice which was supposed to go from 10AM until 1PM.
The rainy weather cut it short.
She called me about 11:30 to say that it was raining too hard and her friend's mom had offered her a ride home.
She arrived a cold soaking wet mess.
After a warm bath and lunch she felt much better.
We then ran a few errands that included buying a birthday gift for a birthday party the next day.
We got a treat while at Target.
Icees {which totally remind me of being a kid}.

I made the best loaves of bread I have ever made on this day.  It rose beautifully and was even light and airy like the sandwich bread from the grocery store {without all the preservatives}
I will probably never be able to do it again.  lol.

87/365........Whole Wheat Bread

Sunday, March 30, 2014 --
Another busy Sunday.  Church from 8AM - Noon.
Then our youth did a mission right here at our own church. 
We were asked to clean the windows.
Thanks so much to those of you who served by cleaning windows.

88/365......Rachael serving like Jesus

After youth, I came home for a bit and then went back to church for a VBS meeting.
Yep, it's time to get started!!
After my meeting was over and hubs was finished with softball practice, we grabbed some supper.
We were all tired when we got home.
I sat to read for a while.
Allie wants to read this book, so I am reading it first to check it out.

Monday, March 31, 2014 --
The kids were supposed to be out of school on this day, 
but due to ice two weeks ago, it was a make up day.
Luckily, it was only a half day so I let Allie 'skip' school and stay at my sisters house until Monday.
I spent my morning working.
Mostly, making lists for things I needed to get done for the rest of the week.
Color coded of course.
Because that's what I do.

I grabbed the rest of the kids as soon as school was out and we drove to a town about an hour and a half away to meet and pick up Allie.
On the way back home, we stopped for supper.
We miss having a Zaxby's nearby.

89/365......buffaloed blue. My fav.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014 --
It was wacky tacky day at school. They were  ready.

90/365...... wacky and tacky.

On Tuesday afternoon, Brady and I headed out to get groceries before picking up the girls from school.
We made a quick stop at Old Navy where I got new shoes.
He got a balloon.

The rest of Tuesday included a meal at home together as a family  and Softball practice for Maggie.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014 --
This day started with work for me.
After picking the kids up from school, Lillie and I ran to BJ's to pick out and order our new glasses.
They should be here in about a week.
We are excited.
We raced back home for Family Night at church.
We had a wonderful cookout since the weather was beautiful.
I know I would never be able to get my children's choir kiddo's to settle down after getting to outside running around so I just joined them.
We had a great night playing on the playground.
Savannah came to help out.

91/365......Silly girls.

After church, I had some laundry to get done.....

Thursday, April 3, 2014 --
On Thursday, Brady's preschool took a field trip to visit the elementary school he will attend next year.
It was so sad to me.  
My oldest moves up to middle school next year and my youngest starts Kindergarten.
I wish time could just slow down for a while.


He really enjoyed the visit to the elementary school.
While he would run off to look at something with his friends from time to time, he mostly stayed just like this.
I am so aware of time that I'm cherishing these days when he still wants to hold my hand in public.

Friday, April 4, 2014 --
I started out Friday morning at the elementary school again.
This time for the Character Awards Breakfast.
My Maggie received this months award for having a Win- Win Attitude.
So proud of her.

It was then time for some work and errands.
Once that was done, I picked up my kiddos and headed home.
I then headed off  to a "Created By God Workshop" with Allie and Maggie.
Two other Mom's and their daughter's joined us for this workshop.
The first night of it had a kids only session and then a parents session.
We dropped them off and went to get supper until our session started.

93/365......Beautiful girls about to learn about how God created them with a purpose.

I'm so late posting because we got home late last night from the workshop and got up early today for the continuation.
I'm so glad that we did it though.
These girls learned that God created them with purpose.
They learned about how God made their bodies to reproduce and how it all works.
AND the parents were given tools to talk about things with them.
We had some time today to spend together as a family talking together and ended with worship for the God who gave us all life and purpose.  
It was a special weekend.

Linking up at
life rearranged

Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. I'm curious about Miss Peregrine's Home... let me know how it is, I keep looking at it and putting it back down because it seems creepy.

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who will read their children's books. Similar to tv and the internet the messages of some of them can be a little scary.

    I really like the shot of your little boy and his balloon!

  3. Are Lillie and Maggie the same height now?

  4. Dear Anonymous -- Close. They are VERY close to the same size. =)
    PS - I really hated using the name anonymous as I'm almost certain I know you personally. So. Sorry for calling you anonymous. =)
