
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Moments {3.7.14}

Busy week.
Full of several appointments and places to be.
Some of these pics are going to seem really random. 
But they are things that I want to remember about this time in our lives.....
Here is our week in snapshots and instapics.

Saturday, March 1, 2014 --
Last Saturday, we attended a birthday party for a sweet 8 year old friend from our church.
Her daddy is a fireman and spraying the hose was part of the fun.
It's too bad the birthday girl wasn't feeling so well.
She didn't even get to enjoy her own party. 
We had a great time!
Thanks for inviting us, Kylie!

60/365.......sunset out my kitchen window.....

Sunday, March 2, 2014 --
was a beautifully warm day.
The church softball team {The Mount Pleasant Mules} had their first practice.
These flowers beside our youth center show the promise of spring.

61/365......playing with friends on the playground -- great fun!

Monday, March 3, 2014 --
Meatless Monday in our home.
I was out getting groceries so my lunch was a meatless salad at Chipotle.

62/365......earning his keep. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014--
a trip to the dermatologist.  Waiting room with these two sillies.

63/365......this cat loves Lillie's bed and her room.
There is no place he would rather sleep.
I disturbed him by taking a photo......

Wednesday, March 5, 2014 --
Ash Wednesday.
We started doing Lenten devotions as a family. 
Sweet way to send them off to school....
Ash Wednesday -- after the service.

Thursday, March 6, 2014 --
I've been forcing myself to take a day off lately.
It is needed time.
I switched my outside chalkboard..... {done with the snow!!}
and then headed off for lunch with a friend. 

and yet -- by 5PM that day, we already had a 3 hour delay for school the next day due to an impending ice storm.  
We made the most of it though -- an unhurried evening meant watching the Walton's with the kiddo's.
Plus homemade veggie beef soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.  
Great day!

65/365......I was so busy enjoying my unrushed evening that I forgot to take a 'real' picture.
SO, I took one of this so I can remember it.
Allie and I are reading this book together.
She's writing her questions in our Mom/Daughter journal and then I write her back with answer and questions of my own for her.
Good bonding for us.
Her sisters want me to read books with them now, too!

Friday, March 7, 2014 -- The ice storm came.
But just enough to make school get cancelled.
Apparently the upper portion of our county got 5 inches so snow.
I mean really? I would have rather had the snow. 

66/365.....a delayed start to the day meant getting to work later.
Had a lot to do.
SO, I walked in to my house at this time last night after working 9 hours....

Which is why I'm posting this on Saturday afternoon.

Linking up at

life rearranged

Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. I like the view from your kitchen window and am slightly jealous! :)

  2. What a week!! Hoping you slept in over the weekend and are ready to hit it all again today!!! xo

  3. I love the chalkboard! Did you do that lettering yourself? I want to put a chalkboard kind of like that in my kitchen above my coffee counter - to do what it looks like you do with yours, just write random thoughts and verses on it. You've inspired me, I'll have to get on it!
