
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Month of Thanks- Deidre and My Little Mountain Town

Because I sometimes struggle with being a pessimist realist, I decided that it would be a good thing for me to participate in this month of thanks. Maybe it will help turn me into an optimist, yet.

At any rate it will remind me that I have many, many, many things to be thankful for and I plan on listing them --at least 31 of them-- each day in this month of November.

Since I'm a day late getting started, I'm going to tell you about two things I'm thankful for today - one for yesterday and today.

First, I'm thankful for my friend, Deidre, who is my inspiration for doing this. Actually, Deidre is an inspiration for me in many ways. One way is that she writes these Sunday letters to her family. I love that and am inspired to do it myself. She has inspired me to pay attention to my days and share with my family about these days. I know they are going by oh,so fast. Deidre and I first met through our blogs. And then we realized that we lived pretty close to one another at that time. I was able to join her in a bible study she was leading at her church. It was a great study and Deidre was a great leader.
Thanks, Deidre, for being such an inspiration.

Second, I'm thankful for living in this small town in the mountains. Considering that hubs is a pastor, I know we won't live here forever. We will definitely get moved to another place eventually. For now, though, I am enjoying this little town. We are surrounded by beautiful mountains. We live, literally, one street off of Main Street. I can walk downtown anytime I like and visit the great shops and restaurants we have here. Not to mention that it is such a pretty downtown area.
I love that right now, in this town, we are right in the middle of all of our parents. It is about 3 hours to any of the grandparents houses. And while it is nice to be close to them as we have been in the past, that means we are farther away from others. Even as far away as 7 hours. It is nice that it only takes us 3 hours to visit any one of our parents.
I love that our downtown hosts great events that again - we can walk to. There is the Greening Up the Mountains event in April, great parades, Art Festivals, Treat Street, and live music in the summer on Friday nights. LOVE IT.
Lastly, I love that it's a small town and I get to really know a lot of people here. And that when I am downtown having breakfast at Annie's, I can visit with lots of friends.

Thank you, Lord, this day for the inspiration that Deidre is in my life. Thank you also for this wonderful small town you've placed my family in. May we serve you and do your will in this place while we have the privilege to live here. Amen!

in HIM-

1 comment:

  1. I've written this comment twice and been knocked off. Let's try again ....

    I am thankful for you! You are so sweet.

    Also, I got the idea for Sunday Letters by reading the book Wednesday Letters this Spring. Have you read it? After reading, I decided to write a weekly letter to my girls in their individual journals. That became too difficult, so I decided to do something easier on my blog. My girls already know about it and love to read them. E came into my room last Sunday and asked if I had her letter posted yet :) That's motivation to write them every week.

    Read that book and let me know what you think. It's a quick read.

    Love you!
