
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Weekend 2010

Our Halloween was a whole weekend full of fun activities. The fun really began last Wednesday when the girls costumes arrived in the mail from Nana LeeAnne. They were so excited! And once I figured out M's hoop skirt - so what I! The costumes were fantastic and just want they all wanted!

Miss M wanted to be a Southern Belle.
She got that idea from our visit to Gettysburg over the summer.
She asked for a pink and black shiny dress with
a little bit of gold.
That's exactly what she got!
The dress looks a bit purple in the pics,
but trust me - it's hot pink!

L had decided to be a black cat.
But not any old black cat. It had to be a fancy
black cat which meant she needed a tutu!
Nana LeeAnne made an ADORABLE
black tutu for Miss L!

Miss A wanted to be an Indian.
She waffled back and forth about whether she was going to be
Pocahontas or Tiger Lily, so we made
her an Indian who could really be either.
Nana LeeAnne did a fantastic job on this
Indian costume. Complete with head band, purse,
and moccasins.

We borrowed B's costume from a friend
who told me she had a closet full of
little boy costumes.
Which she did - and we chose to
borrow the bear costume.

As usual, I can never get a picture of the 4 of them
all smiling. Here's the best we got.
Wonder how old they will be before we get a picture
of all of them smiling and looking at the camera?!!?

On Friday night, we spent time as a family (minus 1)
carving pumpkins and eating pizza!

On Saturday afternoon, our town held it's 2nd Annual Treat Street. Most of the shops and restaurants downtown
participated and handed out candy to trick-or-treaters.
Some of the places even made special treats for the kids.
The coffee shop was even handing out hot chocolate.

B got to ride around being pulled in the wagon.
which he loved.....and Miss L was a little jealous of.
She wanted to be pulled, too.
Her legs hurt from the moment we stepped out of the house.
But she persevered and walked the entire way.
And if you know the size of our town, you
know it wasn't that far.

We saw a few friends a long the way.
One set was this family.
Seriously -- look at that coat of armor!
He said they got it in Germany.
I didn't know there was a preferred place to buy a
coat of arms but apparently there is. =)

L and her friend H.

On Sunday night, our church hosted it's Annual
Trunk or Treat. It was an AMAZING event.
We served close to 500 people from our community.

B refused to be a bear again.
He chose to wear a Tigger costume that was too small....
oh, well. He looked cute anyways.

There were lots of fun things to do at our Trunk or Treat.
We had 5 inflatable. These three big ones outside and two more inside.
Thanks to Jump of Boone for bringing these great inflatables!

Along with the two smaller inflatables inside, we had a couple games
for smaller kids and a coloring station.
We also had this great "Haunted Spa" where you could get
your hair sprayed, nails painted, or face painted.

One of our fearless leaders.....Ms. Jennifer!
Still winning beauty pageants-- isn't she beautiful!
Another of our wonderful ladies who
chose to come and serve our community.
Ms. Terri is L's favorite person!
Just check out those pants!
Of course, you would have to be able to
see the sequins to get the full effect.

We had a costume contest.....complete with prizes.
Look at this adorable Ewok whose brother
was dressed as a Storm Trooper.

Miss L's other favorite person, Rachel.
They were both black cats.

Look at this adorable little "Mexican Baby"
He was one of the winners in his age group.
This Mallard Duck was one of the winners in
her age group. That costume - her Mom made it.
This is A with her friend E.
The "Indian Twins".

Lastly, of course, we had Trunk or Treat.
We had lots of great Trunks. These are just a few of them.
Three luckily Trunk Decorator's will win
a nice certificate for their work.

The event was a HUGE success. It grew tremendously this year
and I can't wait to be able to serve our community
in this way again next year!
in HIM-

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