
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This girl.......

This girl is an amazing girl.
This girl's favorite color is blue!
This girl has the biggest sweet tooth of anyone I know
and sneaks candy whenever she can.
And yet, thankfully, still has never had a cavity.
This girl is the best big sister ever. Such a big help - especially with B-
that I fear sometimes we forget she is still just a girl herself.
This girl has lots of friends but doesn't get really close to people easily.
Something that I fear comes from having moved twice in her short life.
BUT, this girl has finally made a best friend in our town and I
couldn't be happier for her!
This girl is incredibly loyal to her friends!
This girl has a very tender heart that shines forth when I least expect it.
This girl is learning responsibility. Evidenced by the alarm clock
she asked for from her Nana for her birthday.
It arrived this past weekend, and no one has had
go and wake her since.
This girl is very passionate......which is displayed in her being
very dramatic.
This girl is very smart. Always making straight A's.
This girl loves to read.

This little girl is becoming an incredible big girl right before my eyes.

This amazing girl is nine today!

Oh, my dear, sweet A!!!! How in the world are you 9 years old?
Time is flying by. I don't want to miss any of the time I have with you, sweet girl!
You are growing and changing right before my eyes! I am loving watching you become
your own person. Seeing who God is creating you to be. My prayer is that Daddy and I can
lead you the way HE wants us to lead your own unique way.
SO, that you will know how much you are loved by us but most
importantly, by HIM. And that you will know that HE has created you
to be exactly who you are.
We couldn't be more proud of you A!!
I can't wait to see what God has planned for you.
You are a blessing, my precious firstborn child.
We all love you very much!

in HIM-


  1. She is so beautiful Mindy!
    Happy Birthday Sweet A!

  2. Happy Birthday to your sweet, beautiful girl!

    I absolutely am DROOLING over that tutu! Love it! Great pictures...hope A's birthday celebration is wonderful!
