
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

At Least She Trusts Me!

A Recent Conversation with L:

Me: "L, go tell Daddy it's time to go."

L: "where is Daddy?"

Me: "Downstairs"

L: "No, he's not here."

Me: "Yes, he is."

L: "No, he's not!"

Me: "Well, there's a man sitting down there at the computer who looks a lot like your Daddy. If he's not here, then who do you call that?"

L: "Well, I guess I will call him my Daddy."

Have a great Tuesday everyone. I'm off to do some housework and try out the new dryer that came this morning. I think it's funny how I'm always ready to try out a new appliance.....Not that it is any different really from the old one. =)

In HIM -


  1. ha! I love that.

    Enjoy the new dryer. I feared we would have to get one last weekend, but had it repaired for the 4th time. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  2. Sounds like some of the conversations around our house... :-)

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. This was so sweet:)Thank-u for making me smile:)
