
Monday, February 1, 2010

Winter Weekend

The snow started here around 3 PM on Friday and we ended up with about 6 inches of snow. Actually - I think that 6 inches fell in about 2 hours and then it was mostly sleet and yucky stuff. The power went out at about 8 PM that night. We don't have anyway to heat this house when the power is out, so we went to bed pretty early to stay warm.

We were blessed though. Our power returned about 8:30 on Saturday morning. We'd all gotten up about 6 AM (my kids NEVER sleep late). I think I actually clapped my hands and shouted "Praise The Lord" when the power came back. I was beginning to wonder how we were all going to stay warm all day. There are still many people around town without power. Ya'll say a prayer that everyone around gets power back soon!

Saturday afternoon we got outside and enjoyed some fun in the snow.....

K took the kids to the top of our driveway and did some sledding....

This is L. tasting the snow.....I don't know why they do this....

And Miss M. doing the same thing.

And the after tasting face.....

These two only came down the hill together once.

L said that it's was A's fault that it hurt her legs....

And then here is A. tasting the snow.....

Silly Girl!

By this time, B was done with the snow.

We got him changed and down for a nap.

And the rest of the family made a snowman.....

And M. made a "snow duck".

If you look closely - you can see a bill on that blob...

A. made a tiny snowman to go with our big....

Snowman....that really turned out to be a snow bear....


After that ---everyone had had enough cold snow.

So, we went inside and had the obligatory hot chocolate.

We added French Vanilla Snowman marshmallows.


Yesterday, we had 1 service at church. And we attended a birthday party where we had to travel up a mountain. I was VERY worried that we wouldn't make it back down. Luckily, the DOT came and scraped that mountain and getting back down was easy. Of course -- all of that refroze over night. The snow has become a frozen mess! Too hard to sled on. Hopefully it will melt some today and the kids will return to school tomorrow. BUT, the weather is calling for freezing rain tomorrow so I'm not holding my breath. I love having the kids home - but it does put a damper on my house cleaning and it means that they have more days of school to make up. I don't like make -up days!
At least we have some beautiful pictures and scenery around my house!!!!
Have a good one!
In HIM -


  1. Mindy, I love your pics! Stay warn and have a great day! Blessings, Faye

  2. What a fun day. Snow, family and hot chocolate...nothing better than that! Great snowbear:)

  3. I love the pictures.

    We got 8-9 inches and so far, no ice. I think we're supppose to get ice tomorrow. We are loving it so far. It's so beautiful! No school for us today and they just called it off for tomorrow :)

  4. Lovely pics, how fab to have a driveway big enough to sledge on.

    Hope the kids make it into school and stay warm xxx

  5. I love that snow bear. Very cool. Living in Montana I do know all about the snow and yuck. I have had my fill of it over and over again since October. I'm glad your family got to enjoy it. The pictures are great. Stay warm and safe!
