
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Moments {3. 20.15 and 3.27.15}

Two weeks of super busy - ness have come and gone.
Here is what's been keeping us so busy.

Saturday, March 14, 2015 --
Because I knew of the busy- ness that was about to ensue for the net two weeks, I planned to do Easter clothes shopping on this day.
And much to Ken's chagrin, because all 4 kiddo's needed to be there to pick out their Easter clothes, he had to come, too.  
If only they would go back to wearing whatever *I* pick out and being happy with it, I could go alone.
But, since they've all become people with their own minds-- everyone had to go.
It was actually a pretty painless day.
They picked outfits and tried them on as asked.
Here are a couple of the one the outfits that didn't make the cut for Easter this year.

We even got home by about 4PM.  
The kids played outside for the rest of the afternoon.
And, two of them even brought me flowers. 

love them (even when they were picked from my begonia plant)

Sunday, March 15, 2015--
On Sunday, we took the youth to work at our local UMCOR ( United Methodist Committee On Relief) Center.  Prying open flood buckets to check the contents was not the easiest job we have ever had.
But so worth it.
These will be shipping out soon to someone who is in need!

73/365..... great group of hard workers

Monday, March 16, 2015 --
Monday was a beautiful day weather wise.
I worked and took care of Allie's pump issues then got everyone to their Monday activities.
This was the beginning of the sunset that evening.

Allie had some pump issues on this day.
She called me around 9am to come help her at school.
I went to school to change her set. We did it as best we had learned and I left with the council to let me know how things go at lunch.
I came back to work for a bit and then headed to the next town over to get groceries.
I had just pulled into the parking lot, when she called and said her pump wasn't delivering insulin.
Hubs was visiting someone at the hospital in Charlotte instead of being in his office so I drove the way back to Allie's school to figure it all out.
After an unsuccessful attempt at fixing it at school, I finally checked her out.
We came home and called our wonderful Medtronic coach, Kari, who walked us through another set change and we finally got it all taken care of.

74/365....  After it was all fixed. whew.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015 --
This boy brought his Leprechaun trap home from school.
Unfortunately, he didn't catch the Leprechaun.
Even though he had left a note telling the Leprechaun not to push the stick ( Leprechauns never follow directions).
The Leprechaun did, however, step on his trap.
See that footprint?

St. Patrick's Day 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 --
I went on a chilly fieldtrip to uptown Charlotte with my Maggie on this day.
It was chilly but a fun morning. 

I was even able to check Maggie out after the field trip was over and we met our friend Wendy for lunch before heading home. Great day with my girl.

76/365..... LOVE uptown Charlotte

Thursday, March 19, 2015 --
After work and school, it was time for Lillie's last indoor soccer game of the year.
These two enjoyed ice cream at Jason's Deli after supper before heading to the game.
We didn't win, but it was a great indoor season.
Lillie learned a lot and that is what is most important.

I arrived home to find this package.  I was so excited to get my new sign.

77/365...."He's the King, I tell you."

Friday, March 20, 2015 -- On Friday, Ken and I made a trip to Raleigh to pick up our new van.
We had been driving the same van for almost 10 years and it was time for a new car.
We put it off as long as possible.
I am loving my new Grand Caravan!!

Goodbye to our older blue van.  It was a good one.
Not sure I will miss it and all of the leaks as of late though.

78/365.....the end of an era.

 Saturday, March 21, 2015 --
We were up at the crack of dawn on Saturday.
I was up to head to Aquire The Fire with our 11th/12th grade small group and Allie was up for Science Olympiads.
She left at 6:30AM.
She was very excited about it, too.
Aquire the Fire was a great event with our 11th/12th small group girls.
We got home at about 11:00PM.
The theme of the day was Reslient.

79/365...... new read.

Sunday, March 22, 2015 -
We spent our youth meeting this afternoon filling Easter Eggs for the upcoming Easter Event.
So. so. many. eggs.

80/365....... working hard to finish.

Monday, March 23, 2015 -
It was the first day of a new week and it was the start of the week before our Easter Event. Which meant it was go time.
It was a long, busy, chaotic day.
What a treat to get home and find a package from my sweet friend Kristin.
She had made a book of her photography ( she is awesome at it!) with scripture for each one.
When I sent her a thank you, she said she wanted each of her pastor's families to have one as a thank you for 'all we have done'.
All we have done has been through Christ alone, but what a wonderful blessing to be thought of.
Finding this package gave me strength to carry on through the rest of my evening which included lots of places to be.

81/365......Finally walked in at....(excuse the dust. Need to clean the microwave)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 --
work, work, work.
But finding selfies like this one my phone make me smile.

Teens and preteens can be hard.....I get a lot of looks like this one lately.

82/365.... humph.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 -
Hair cut this morning.
LOVE getting my hair done.

Then we took Allie to our appointment to get her Continual Glucose Monitor.
She is the bravest girl I know.
She doesn't even flinch when sticking these needles/tubes into her body.
And she does it without tears or complaint

83/365....  proud of her!

Thursday, March 26, 2015 --
Heather and I spent a lot of Thursday making a tomb for our Easter Event.
It really turned out great.

After working all day and grabbing supper, it was back to church for Bible Study.
It was a warn day and the kiddos got to spend a few minutes playing on the playground.

84/365.....this was just before the grabbing hands made Brady almost flipped right out of his swing.

Friday, March 27, 2015 --
Friday was spent setting up for our Easter Eggstravaganza that would be on Saturday.
This was the incredible sun set as we were beginning to finish up.

A good end to the day....
85/ of my favorite movies.

Busy, busy two weeks.
Hoping this Holy Week, I can truly focus on Jesus and have some quiet!

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