
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Moments {1.9.15}

Ten days into the new year.  As usual time is flying by.
School started back on Monday and so did all of our activities.  
Here are some of the moments I caught on camera this week.

Saturday, January 3, 2015 --
My new journaling bible and highlighters arrived in the mail.
I was so excited to get started with these.

The kids and I went to the movies  (we say Night at the Museum 3 --- loved it)
and then to Barnes and Noble to look for some new books.
They all got gift cards from their aunt and uncle for Christmas.
When we got home Brady was showing Daddy his new books on his favorite subject that came with some trivia cards....

3/365......  He was able to answer lots of questions about sharks!!

Sunday, January 4, 2015 --
Church and home then back for our first youth meeting of the year. 
These are two of my senior high youth.
Love these two!

In between church and youth and then afterward, I was working on moving photos from my old computer to a cloud based storage.  It is so time consumingly slow.....

4/365....maddening..... I still have all of 2013 and 2014 to move.

Monday, January 5, 2015 --
I worked on Monday morning and then we picked Allie up from school to go get a pump to 'try' for the week.
She refused to allow me to take a picture of her with the pump on......I tried.  
She seems to have liked it this week. 
We will see where we go from here......

Once we were home, it was time to hit the ground running.
I took Lillie to piano lessons and did my bible study while I waited.  
I did use my new bible. =)

5/365......LOVE it!

Hubs got Maggie to her gymnastics class, went back and got her and we ate supper as a family before he had to leave for his basketball game.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015 --
You never know what attitude you will get with a middle school student.
Allie and I came out wearing the same sweatshirt on Tuesday morning.
Thankfully, she wasn't mad about it.

After working and running errands on Tuesday afternoon, hubs and I finally got my new bed skirt put on our bed.  I'm so in love with it.  Thank you Lee Anne!  You are awesome!!!!

6/365.....My bed room is beginning to have the look I want it to.  
Still several things to do, but at it's getting there....

Tuesday night had me at a meeting and Allie at her Small Group.
Everyone else went to Brady's first indoor soccer match.
Which he refused any part of. =/

Wednesday, January 7, 2015 --
This was the sunrise as we were leaving for school Wednesday morning. 
SO. Beautiful!!

Wednesday was a full day of working. I did get to sneak in lunch with a couple of lovely friends.
 Good food and great company. 

Then, after work,  home quick to eat supper before heading back over to church for my God Squad (Children's Choir) practice.  
I hadn't gotten a picture all day so I snapped this one right before bed....

7/ Maggie.

Thursday, January 8, 2015 --
On Thursday, there was a two hour delay at school.  It was 7 degrees out and the buses are hard to get warm in the mornings. They wanted to give it extra time to be sure that the buses and schools were warm for kids.  
I'm always excited about sleeping in on two hour delay mornings but they always make my day off schedule, too.....
After getting everyone to school, we had our first bible study of our new Pricilla Shirer study.
It went great!
I was invited to lunch again with some ladies from the study then came back to work for just a bit.
Our friend Wendy came to ride with me and surprise the kids!

8/365....  We  all love her so!

Then Hubs took Lillie to her first indoor soccer match.
The rest of grabbed some supper and went back for the first meeting of our evening group of the Pricilla Shirer study.  

Friday, January 9, 2015 --
I try not to work on Fridays, but had to yesterday.
I worked  most of the day and then came home to straighten the house.
My in-laws came over to do our final Christmas celebration.
We had supper together and exchanged gifts.  It was a wonderful evening.

I think my Lillie looks like her Nana.

9/365.... lots of building and crafting fun with the grandparents.

It was a fun, busy week.
Linking up at


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