
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Moments {10.3.14 and 10.10.14}

Good grief.
Suddenly, two weeks have passed.  
Here is how that happened, I guess......

Saturday, September 27, 2014 --
Soccer fills our Saturday's as of late.  Both Lillie and Brady are playing so we usually have two games each weekend.
They are loving it though.
After soccer was over, and we were home  Brady brought a 50% off sticker and put it on my shirt.
He said :  "Here, Mom. Be 50% off.  Daddy will probably want you."

I finally got out a couple of my Fall decorations.  I love my fall tree on my Happy Everything plate!

Sunday, September 28, 2014 --
A GORGEOUS sunrise that the Lord painted on this Sunday morning.

At youth we had a great time playing games that involved balloons.
It helped if you were tall.

Monday, September 29, 2014 --
Mondays are always nutty.  With work, piano, tumbling and soccer, there isn't much time to be snapping pictures.
I looked outside as I was changing into my pj's and saw this.

foggy night!

269/365.....   bedtime lunch making.....She has decided she likes NOTHING that the cafeteria serves.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014 --
A new Ingles store opened up not too far from my house.
I got to go for the first time on this day.  LOVED it.
I am so glad they have built one close by.  I missed my Ingles in the mountains so much.

King Brady takes a bow.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014 --
We celebrated this friend's birthday on Wednesday.  She is our associate pastor.
We love her and we all  had a grand time celebrating!

After lunch it was time to run errands, get home and get supper than back to church for choir.
WHen I got home, I saw that my oldest had made herself a note to remember to study.
So thankful for the girl she is becoming!

271/365......reminders are always good.

Thursday, October 2, 2014 --
Bible study, work, home to get supper and then back to bible study.
Another busy one.  Grabbed this shot as they headed out for the evening.

272/ littles......they aren't so little anymore.

The view as I was setting up for bible study.
These are the stained glass windows in the back of our sanctuary.
They are really amazing!

Friday, October 3, 2014 --
Date day with the hubs.
We went to a burger place called Big Daddy's Burger Bar.
I got sliders and fried pickles.

It was my night to work our youth center so I spent my evening there.
And I'm cheating a bit with this photo.
Allie took it.
273/365...... sunset....

Saturday, October 4, 2014 --
Allie had plans for the day and Maggie was going to spend the night with Nana and Grandpap.
These two had a rare day off from soccer, so they ran some errands with me.
These errands included chick-fil-a. =D

Nightly routine.....

Sunday, October 5, 2014 --
Another busy Sunday.
The youth began our yearly flocking fundraiser.
275/365..... love these girls!

Every night  bedtime with this girl includes hugs and kisses and an I love you in sign language and said out loud.  I hope she always does this.

Monday, October 6, 2014 --
Monday, Monday.  Busy. Busy......

276/365.....reading during homework time.

Finally finished my book club book. 
Just in time too. The next day was book club night.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014 --
At some point in the last few weeks, Maggie got this award.
I wouldn't know when. 
She didn't tell us. =/
Just found this in a pile of papers.

Shopping at Ingles pays!  I got 15 cents of per gallon of gas with my gas rewards.
That equals paying only $2.92 a gallon. 

Tuesday was staff meeting and then grocery shopping where I got my gas!
Then it was back home to get the kids, do homework and feed the family.
Then I went off to book club.
We had great conversation and great discussion too.

my favorite fall candle.

Wednesday, October 9, 2014 --
running, work, get kids, rush home to do homework and get Allie to tumbling, grab supper and head to church for a meeting and children's choir.
NO time for a real picture today.

279/365....... so, a pic of my downfall.
I love salt.

Then it was time to do some prep work for bible study the next morning before hitting the hay!

Thursday, October 9, 2014 -
Bible study first thing in the morning.
Love the connections being formed in this group!

Then it was work, pick up kids, homework and sandwiches for supper for before heading back out.
Some of us to soccer and some of us to bible study.

280/365..... Lately, he loves to build forts.

Friday, October 10, 2014 --
It is hard being a 6 year old with older siblings who always have somewhere to go.
SO, we surprised Brady and let him skip school and took him to Tweetsie for the day.

It was a fun time with just our boy and the two of us.
We hope to do the same kind of thing for the each of the girls soon.

281/365..... He got to be the magician's assistant at the magic show, too.

And now, it is another busy weekend upon us.
Can't wait to see what everyone is up to!
Linking up at

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