
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Moments { 8.1.14} -- THREE WEEKS

I can't believe that three weeks have flown by since I have been able to sit and share the pictures of our days.
Summer is supposed to slow down.....isn't it?
It doesn't seem like it has slowed down a whole lot around here.
But maybe in the next couple of weeks it will....

SO, I have three weeks worth of busy weeks to share.
Let's get on with it, shall we?

Saturday, July 12, 2014 -- I spent the first part of this morning at finishing up our Mini-Retreat for our upcoming youth mission trip. The kids washed the van to get it all ready for our trip.

We then headed to my in-laws for lunch with family.
It was a lovely afternoon visiting.
We then came home to pack up the family as they were leaving for camp the next afternoon.

191/365.....Goodnight Sweet Lillie. Sleep tight!

Sunday, July 13, 2014 -- We went to church together where our Youth Mission Team was commissioned.  We then went to lunch as a family and then I sent all of my people off to camp for the week.  

Once I got them all where they needed to be, I did my last minute errands for the mission trip I was going on the next morning, packed all of my own stuff up and then had supper with my friend Tiffany before heading to bed since I had to get up at 5:00AM the next morning.
I happened to look at my mantle right before bedtime and snapped this pic.

192/ these shots from last summer.

Monday, July 14, 2014 -- We were up early to go get our rental van. When we had made a stop at Starbucks, and loaded everyone and their stuff in the vans, we were off to Birmingham, Alabama.

 We made it to Atlanta and the bottom dropped out of that cloud. It was a terrible thunderstorm.

We finally made it to Birmingham at about 4:30PM Central Time.  
We were greeted by our Camp Director for Missions2 through Passport Camps and spent the evening getting to know the other groups that were to be working with us throughout the week.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014 -- We began our work.  We were scraping lead paint off of this house for hours.

194/365....hard work.

We had a great first day of working and playing in the evening!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 -- the work continued.  We had finally scraped enough to start painting.
195/365....Kyra hard at work!

It was another great day of work.
Have I mentioned the weather?  In Birmingham in July it really should be in the 90's.
This week, the weather was heavenly!  Upper 70's and low 80's and LOW humidity!!

Thursday, July 17, 2014 --  We spent our day continuing to paint and also did some repairs that needed to be done.
Each evening of the week, there was a different activity planed for us.  We went bowling, had an ice cream social and a movie/game night.  On Thursday night, we were on our own.
Our group went out to supper at a local Mexican place where we could celebrate Jon's birthday in the best of ways.

Then we went to a baseball game.
196/365....GO Barons (shhh. don't tell. I was cheering for the Braves instead)

Friday, July 18, 2014 --  Every morning, I got up at 5:30AM, so  I could get a good shower and spend some quiet time in the sanctuary of the church we were staying in.
 Gorgeous place.

We were back at work on Friday.We were pleased that we finished scraping and repainting the entire home.
197/365....a  shot of our work team with one of the family members....

Saturday, July 19, 2014 --  After an early breakfast on Saturday morning, we got a group shot before heading home.
 198/365.... group shot

Bye Bye, Birmingham!!

We were greeted at home after our 8 hour road trip with supper and a wonderful group of people waiting to hear about our trip.  
I was greeted by 5 smiling faces of my family and sweet calls of
Sunday, July 20, 2014 -- I was so tired on this morning and didn't want to get out of bed.
But, of course, I did.
After church, we grabbed some lunch and hung out with our family for a bit.
Maggie and Lillie brought me gifts from camp.
199/ my new bowl and mug!

Then it was time to head to church for The Bridge.  We had an awesome meeting with them and then took our 7th grade small group out to supper at a local pizza place.
Then, Tiffany and I took the rental van back and went to supper to 'debrief' from our mission trip.
It was a great evening.

Monday, July 21, 2014 --  It was a day of catching up in the office and catching up at home....
I found this girl sitting in her toy box cleaning out! 

200/365....loads of laundry to catch up on... 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014 --  I worked most of the day and then spent time with the kids in the evening.
Maggie doing flips

201/ not so little people.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014 -- Our friends Olivia and Kandi came for a visit.
These two were so excited to be together again.
202/ friends

My sweet friend, Kandi, brought me an awesome mug, some coffee and a t-shirt from the original Starbucks and Pike Place.
I LOVE them all.  Well, maybe I love the coffee and the mug the most. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014 -- We took the kids out for lunch and then to a water pad to play.
After they were finished at the waterpad, we went to the best store ever -- Barnes and Noble -- where everyone got new books to read.
203/365....great afternoon together.

Our other friends, Jenny and Tripp arrived right about supper time.
We fed the kids, Tripp and Ken pizza for supper and we three ladies headed off to our favorite place, The Melting Pot.
It's a tradition. 

Friday, July 25,2014 --   We got up and made whole wheat pancakes for breakfast and then I had to take Lillie to the dermatologist.
Allie and Maggie wanted to make a special lunch for us all so my friends, Kandi and Jenny helped them.
We had a wonderful grilled chicken salad with strawberries and mozzarella and pita pieces. Then, lemon squares for dessert.  DELISH!

After lunch, all of our friends had to leave.
This little boy was sad to have his friend leave.
204/365....He really misses her.

Saturday, July 26, 2014 --  We got up early and drove to my sister's house to celebrate my two nephews' birthday.
205/365....Holden and Bradford are 2!

Sunday, July 27, 2014 -- Another busy church day.  I was thrilled when I walked into my office to find this study waiting on me.  I can't wait to get started in the fall!  I've done this one 5 times before, but I always learn something new!  

 It was our intern, Tiffany's, last day.  So, we had a cookout in honor of all the churches interns.  We will certainly miss her!

206/365....goodbye for now, friend!

Monday, July 28, 2014 --  LONG day at work and then my Sticky Faith small group.
It was an all girls night because our guys were missing, so it was a really deep discussion and it ended by the pond, naming the things that are separating us from who our identity in Christ and throwing them (in pieces of bread) into the pond for the fish.
I was so busy on this day that I didn't pick up my camera until I got home.
I took this picture of my youngest two sleeping together because they fight a lot of the time so this was sweet to see.

206/365....sweet moments.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014 -- I worked in the morning for a while and then the kids and I got to meet our friend, Cassie, for lunch!
We have missed seeing her. It was great to catch up a bit!

After that, it was time to get groceries for the family.  And then cook supper for us all. We have two kids that will usually eat most of their supper and then there are the other two.  Lillie and Brady hardly ever eat supper.  So, they end up sitting at the table.  We don't even make them finish what's on their plates.  We just want them to try everything and eat something!

207/365....she is smiling but she isn't happy.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014 --  Wednesday started with a trip to the Orthodontist for Allie. It was a long appointment -- an hour and a half.  Maggie was with a friend, so Lillie, Brady and I went to the park for a while.  After we picked Allie up, we met our staff for lunch to celebrate Mrs. Judy's birthday.
Lillie started telling me that her head hurt when we got home.  I told her to lay down and rest and when I got back from the errand I had to run, I would check on her.  She napped for two whole hours.I know then that she was sick.  Sure enough....her temp was 101.4.
But, I had an outing planned with the youth so Daddy was on sick duty for the night and I went with some of our youth the camp meeting.  We had a great time.

I took this one with my camera. Basically the same picture, but I love that the two at the end of hugging each other. 

208/365....Sisterly love.

Thursday, July 31, 2014 --  Miss Lillie's fever got higher so we had to make a trip to the doctor.
Throat swabs are NO fun.
They do tell us that this girl has strep throat though.  BOO!

The evening was spent at home watching movies and being silly since Lillie felt so poorly.

209/365..... silly boy.

Friday, August 1, 2014 --  Ken's grandmother turned 98 years old on July 31.  We traveled up to visit her and have lunch with her today.  We celebrated Mom Bea's 98th birthday and our Maggie's 11th birthday which is tomorrow.  We had a lovely visit!

210/365....Birthday girls!

The only trouble was this little boy started running a fever on the way up.  I'm betting another case of strep. We will be headed to urgent care in the morning to find out.

Linking up at
life rearranged


Nurse Loves Farmer

That is what we have been up to for the last three weeks. Can't wait to see what you've been doing!

1 comment:

  1. July was such a fun and busy month for you all, not to mention very productive. I love how each picture shows a slice of your lives, each a shot of a special moment. Anyway, it's sad that Little Miss Lillie got strep throat. I do hope she's feeling better. Thanks for sharing, by the way! All the best to the whole family!

    Cathy Stewart @ The Good Health Practice
