
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Moments {7.11.14}

Another week has come and gone.
And, as always, I'm shocked at how fast it goes by.  
I often just want time to slow down.
My kids are just growing so very fast.
I keep looking at them all and doing double did they get so big?!?

Saturday, July 5, 3014......After a few days visiting family for the 4th of July, we headed back home.
But Miss Maggie got to stay for some special time with Grammy and Granddaddy.
She was so excited! 

The rest of us headed on our way home after breakfast and goodbyes.
We stopped on the way to visit our sweet friends, The Lewis'.
They bought a new house a few months back and invited us to stop by for lunch.
It was a wonderful lunch and a wonderful visit with friends.
184/365..... sweet friends.

Sunday, July 6, 2014.... On Sunday afternoon, after church, Lillie comes bounding into the living room to tell us that she had been cleaning out from under her bed and that she had found her glasses that have been lost for a couple of months

She didn't need to tell us though --- we could tell.....

Monday, July 7, 2014..... We jumped right into the work week with much to do.  
Errands to run and places to be.
I love my bible study group that meets on Monday nights.  They are awesome.
This week, we ended with some time in prayer wandering around outside.
It was beautiful.

I arrived home to find a package waiting for me.
I have been blessed by two wonderful ladies as of late with the gift of books.
Books speak to my soul.
And I cannot wait to start on these two!!

186/365......THANKS, LADIES!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014 --  On Tuesday, I worked in the morning and then we drove an hour to Lillie's dermatologist appointment.  I arrived just in time for them to announce that her doctor was running 45 minutes behind.  Ack.
SO, we rescheduled and drove home.
Lillie and Allie had friends over for a sleepover Tuesday evening.
These girls wrote a play and held auditions for the play on Tuesday night.

187/365.....Sweet Friends!  

Wednesday, July 9, 2014 -- On Wednesday, we got up and had some delicious pancakes and sausage with our friends.

Then, after  some work at church, the kids and I headed out to drive the almost 4 hours to my sister's house to pick up my Maggie.
We stayed the night at had a blast with my little nephews.
188/ night with family.

Thursday, July 10, 2014 -- We got to stay and play with these sweet boys all morning and have lunch together before heading back home.  
It was a wonderful time.
189/365.... cousins....

We left after lunch to make the long drive home.
We were all super tired when we finally made it back home.
But so excited to find this tiny bird's egg in the magazine holder of our mailbox.

Friday, July 11, 2014 .... I started with a run on Friday morning and then headed over to some work.
We then had some errands to run as a family and had a supper out together before I had to be back at church for our Mission Trip mini-retreat.  We started our evening with some time to just hang out and then the youth cooked our supper.
While they were doing that, I ran home to get my clothes and air mattress to spend the night.
When I walked across the street I saw this.  Love it!

After supper, we played a life size game of Jenga.
So much fun!
190/365..... jenga

That's what we have been up to this week.
Such a great and busy week!
Can't wait to see what you've been up to!

Linking up at 

life rearranged


Nurse Loves Farmer

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