
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Moments {6.27.14}

Another week has zoomed by.  
We had VBS at our church this week so that made it a super busy week.
Here are some of the moments I captured in pictures this week.

Saturday, June 21, 2014 --  Saturday morning, we were still at Annual Conference. We spent the morning cleaning up the cabin and getting ready to head home.
Before we left though, our oldest two had the PK (Preachers Kid) luncheon, so we dropped them there and went with the younger two to get some lunch ourselves.

These two had a staring contest at lunch.

After the lunches,we rounded up our brood and headed home.
Just in time for me to start getting ready for VBS that would start Monday morning.

While I was out, some wonderfully home grown produce arrived at my door.
SO very grateful for church members who share with us the bounty from their gardens!

170/365......fresh deliciousness!

Sunday, June 22, 2014 -- Church began our day the right way.  Hubs spoke one Gamaliel.
He is one of my favorite biblical characters. He had some wisdom and saved the hides of the apostles.  
Then it was time to get everything ready for VBS.  
We spent the afternoon decorating.
The theme of our VBS was "God's Big Backyard".
We had loads of trees, and tree houses and owls peeking out (and other critters, too!)

171/365.....the canopy of trees that they passed through to get to the sanctuary was one of my favorite parts! 

There was much to be done to finish preparing for VBS and this girl and I ended up at church until 12:30AM.  SO glad that she was willing to stay and help me!

Monday, June 23, 2014 -- We kicked off VBS.  
All week long we talked about ways to serve Jesus.  We started our week talking about serving Family.  Then we learned that God's backyard gets bigger and bigger and bigger.

It was a wonderful, but exhausting morning.
We came home for lunch and as I was headed back to church to prepare for Tuesday, I looked over to see this.
172/ tired boy.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014 --  On Tuesday at VBS, we talked about serving our friends. 
After a great second, albeit SUPER rainy, day at VBS, I worked all afternoon to prepare for the next morning, then rushed home to change clothes and head to the funeral home. Some of my sweet youth girls had lost their grandfather and we wanted to go show our respect and love to them.

Once I was home, hubs had taken the kids to a fast food place that I do not like to get supper. SO,
I took advantage of the situation and headed to one of my favs for some quiet.
It was lovely.

I also ran to get some much needed staples since we had zero groceries in our house.

I made it back in time to watch hubs play some of his softball game.  Our church softball team is awesome and ended their season in second place in the tournament.
We got home and I saw the clouds over the church.

173/365......SO pretty.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 --- Another fantastic day of VBS.
On day 3, we learned to serve our neighbors. As well as learning WHO our neighbors are.

We had more and more song leaders are the week went on =) 

Part of this VBS curriculum, was a 'community corner', where each day the children did some sort of service project related to that days theme. Day three was Serve Neighbors. 
SO they decorated grocery bags and took them home to fill with canned/dry goods.
They returned these bags the following two days of VBS. 
We collected A LOT of food for our local food pantry. 

174/ exited to serve our neighbors!

Thursday, June 26, 2014 -- On Day 4 of VBS, we learned about Serving our Community.
These were some super cute song leaders.....singing "Gonna Serve"!
See our bags of food behind them? 

We arrived home Thursday afternoon, tired but with full hearts.
I grabbed the mail and there was a package.
I love packages!
Our sweet friends the Fosters, had sent Allie and I a pick-me-up from Colorado.

175/365.....They are such a blessing.

Friday, June 27, 2014 -- Our final day of VBS.
  We talked about serving Jesus means sharing Jesus. 
Loving people is loving Jesus.
Our story telling team did an amazing job all week sharing our stories with the children.

We finished VBS with full hearts and exhausted bodies. But the day didn't stop there.
We ran some errands as a family and then Allie and I headed to our churches Youth Center for the evening.

By the time I got home I was so, so sleepy.
And still.  I didn't get in bed until this time.....

176/365......that's AM, people.

Which is why today (Saturday), I'm doing not much of nothing.
Except resting.
And I am doing that.
Before jumping back into another busy week tomorrow.
But for today, I'm enjoying some much needed rest!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Linking up this week at

Nurse Loves Farmer

1 comment:

  1. Love these pictures... especially the staring contest one! :)

    Marla @
