
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Two {Random Things} On Tuesday

Finding time to sit and read blogs or peruse the internet is hard these days.
But between this afternoon and this evening I had a few minutes to read a few blogs and such.

I came across this post from Jenilee at  Our Goodwin Journey.
I really feel like Jenilee is a kindred spirit a lot of the time and this post just made me more sure.
In her post she speaks of needing alone time and an article she read called 16 Habits of Highly Sensitive People.

I am totally a Highly Sensitive person.
If you are someone who knows me, you are probably laughing out loud right now!
Just about all of those things are me.
Very interesting article.  
Thanks for sharing it, Jennilee!

Also, today I saw a video link to a youtube video of Patsy Clairmont.
I just love her so I clicked on the link.
That got me to thinking about the other Women of Faith ladies.
I found this video of Nicole Johnson's that I want to share with you all.
I can so relate to this in so many areas of my life.
As a mom, a wife, and as a person who works in ministry.
"We don't work for them, we work for HIM".
What an amazing reminder for me.
{I cannot get the video centered.  It's driving me nuts. Sorry!!}

Hope you all have a great Tuesday night.
Hubs is watching some basketball tournament, so I'm headed to bed to watch something more entertaining and read some before turning in.
Good night, y'all!

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