
Friday, November 12, 2010

A Month of Thanks - Kristin and Flowers

I wanted to get this post up yesterday but ended up being out until almost midnight. So, this is what I wanted to share I was thankful for yesterday.
I am incredibly thankful for my sweet friend, Kristin, who drove all the way to my house to visit on Thursday!!!! She lives 3 hours away, but she and her sweet boys came to visit us. We had a great visit together! They arrived just in time for lunch. After we had all had our fill, we headed off to Lake Junaluska, since she had never been there. We took a long walk around the lake.
Trying to get a shot of all 6 kids looking at the camera.
NOT easy....The beginning of our walk took us across the bridge...

Isn't this a beautiful place?!!?

Kristin's oldest son, C, is one of A's oldest friends.
She loves getting to spend time with him.
And he is a great sport hanging with these
girls who are younger than him!

L love Mrs. Kristin!

Kristin was showing B his shadow.
It was so sweet!

We found a beautiful weeping willow to play under.

The kids may have been a bit destructive for the tree.
They used it as a swing.
It was great fun, though!

I thought it was so funny that they all closed their
eyes when they would swing!

Even B tried to get into the action.
SO much fun!

One of my favorite shots of the day.
My sweet boy!!!

The Lake is ahead of the game.
They've already decorated for Christmas.
Another fav. of the day....

We tried to get creative in the end.
Kristin got a better shot of this than I did.
Maybe I can share it if she emails it to me.
We then headed for a snack!
We stopped for ice cream.

We came back home after the ice cream. We made Spaghetti for supper and visited for a while after we got all the kids in bed.
I love that my sweet friend drove all the way up here just to visit us. I always love spending time her and her boys. They are so sweet.
I was sad when they had to go and I think they were, too. I'm so thankful for my friend and her boys. They made my week! Thanks Kristin!!!! I love you guys and can't wait to see you again!

AND, for today -- I'm thankful for the pretty pansies the kids helped me plant outside. Not only are they going to add nice color to my yard for the winter months, I got a workout planting them. Two birds with one stone.
Between today and the workout that Kristin made me do with her yesterday morning before she left, there isn't one muscle in my body that doesn't hurt this afternoon. BUT, I'm choosing to be thankful for that, too. I've done something good (something I should do more often) for my body.
Y'all have a fantastic Saturday evening. Since I can't move, I'm off to order pizza for supper and will be soaking in a hot bath later on!
in HIM-

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a visit from your friend Kristin...sounds like you all had fun. Those are fun pictures. And what a beautiful lake!

    Good for you for working out...I wish I could get motivated...I would be happy if i would just start walking again. (:>)

    Happy Saturday!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
