
Monday, October 11, 2010

The Waiting

You may, or may not, know that I am a Mom to 4 kids almost 9 and under. They keep me busy. So to tell ya'll that I read this book in two days, that means something. It means that I really, really liked it!

I really loved The Choice, the first book in this series, and the second book in the series was even better. It was full of twists and turns that I didn't see coming. These characters were so wonderfully real that they had me in tears by the end of Chapter 3. I loved the theme in this book that all the events in our lives, everything that happens in our lives, makes us who we are. I think that is so true. Our experiences are given to us by God and we need to look back at them to make us who God is calling us to be.
I really love reading about the Amish way of life and loved reading about their communion. I've been digging deep over the last week into communion in my own church and in that of all Christians and now have one more group to really study how they do communion - the Amish. God has something more to teach me, this I know.
I hope that if you enjoy a good fiction book, you will go out and get The Waiting. It is a very well written story, filled with lovable characters that you won't want to stop reading about. But, don't say I didn't warn ya if you can't put it down!!!

About The Waiting: Book 2 in the Lancaster Secrets Collection

Book 2 in The Lancaster Secrets collection and hot on the heals of the best-selling The Choice, The Waiting, a stand alone story, is a compelling page turner. Jorie King has been waiting for Benjamin Zook to return home to Lancaster County so they can marry. When news arrives that Ben has been killed, Jorie finds comfort in the friendship of his brother Caleb. That friendship ripens into love, and it seems that they are meant to be together. But when the unexpected happens, their worlds are turned upside down once more. Will Jorie trust God to lead her into the arms of a new man?
A multifaceted story about complex people living the simple life. Readers will find themselves transported into the world of the Amish and deeply invested in these wonderful characters.

About Suzanne Woods Fisher: Suzanne Woods Fisher is the CBA bestselling author of The Choice, The Waiting, Amish Peace, and Amish Proverbs. Her interest in the Anabaptist cultures can be directly traced to her grandfather, W. D. Benedict, who was raised in the Old Order German Baptist Brethren Church in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Benedict eventually became publisher of Christianity Today magazine. Suzanne is the host of a radio show called Amish Wisdom and her work has appeared in many magazines. She lives in California. Find out more about Suzanne at

Link to buy the book:

Suzanne Woods Fisher is thrilled to announce the release of The Waiting, book two in The Lancaster Secrets Collection. In The Waiting Jorie finds herself caught be two loves and two lives in this compelling page turner about complex people living the simple life.

Visit the blog tour and find out what the reviewers are saying!

The Waiting is the next stand alone story in The Lancaster Secrets Collection and follows in the footsteps of the best-selling, The Choice. The Waiting is in stores now and to celebrate Suzanne is hosting The Waiting KINDLE Giveaway.

ne Grand Prize winner will receive a Kindle preloaded with Suzanne Woods Fisher titles and a gift certificate! The Prize Pack (valued at over $185.00) includes:

* A brand new KINDLE, Free 3G, 6", Latest Generation

* The Choice by Suzanne Woods Fisher

* The Waiting by Suzanne Woods Fisher

* A $15 dollar Gift Certificate

Join Suzanne for the Lancaster Secrets Book Club Party on October 28th! She’ll be announcing the winner of the The Waiting KINDLE Giveaway, hosting a book club discussion of The Waiting and The Choice, and giving away copies of both books and HEAPs of readerly prizes! Be sure to join us on Thursday, October 28th at 5:00 PM PST (6:00 MST, 7:00 CST & 8 EST) at Suzanne’s Author Page.

Happy Reading!!!

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