
Monday, August 23, 2010

M's 7th Birthday (With a Winner)

Since M's birthday is in August (i.e. summertime and not during the school year) it seems like it gets spread out over a lot of time. We began celebrating at the beginning of the month on her actual birthday. My MIL came up to spend the day with us. Since hubs and I both had meetings that evening, we let M choose her meal at lunchtime. She chose to go eat at Ryan's because she wanted "a buffet but not Chinese". So, we went to lunch and returned home and M could no longer wait to open her present from my MIL. Which included money to get a new bicycle helmet (her request) and these Polly Pockets. I've never seen them packaged quite that way.... She also received a delivery of balloons from Nay-Nay and PaPa!

Nana brought with her cupcakes to celebrate.....

which we all enjoyed!

Later on that week, M received another package in the mail.
She had also asked for this gift....a fishing pole.
She loves it!

And the birthday festivities continued when we traveled to Georgia.
M had requested that her cake and ice cream be at Grammies house.
She also wanted pink and green monkeys.....
Grammy did a beautiful job (as usual) putting this little
party together.

ADORABLE monkey cupcakes.....with nutter butter ears and vanilla wafer

We had hotdogs for supper....
M had me curl her hair like Ramona's (from Beezus and Ramona)
We had just seen the movie the day before....
I *HEART* this picture!
My cousins boys got to come to the party.
We were very happy to have them there.

Monkey Cupcakes are yummy!!!!

Then it was present opening time!!!!

M asked Grammy to get her jewelry....She got a monkey watch
and a birthstone necklace.
She had made a list of things she wanted for her Daddy and me.
We were to pick from that list and surprise her.
On that list was walkie-talkies.
But, there was a stipulation.
There had to be 4 of them -- one for her and each
of her sibs....
We had to oblige that request.....and luckily--
Radio Shack had 4 packaged together for a good price!
M had a very happy 7th birthday! Thank you to all the grandparents, family and friends who made that so for her!!!!
AND NOW -- a Winner for the Amish Peace book.
Apparently, not many people are as interested in the Amish lifestyle as I am. I was really sad that I only had two entries for this giveaway. BUT -- that gave each one of these beautiful ladies who did enter a 50/50 chance of winning. I had the birthday girl -- Miss M pick the winner in the very technical "pick a name out of the folded papers in my hand that I shook up" method.
She choose Judy. SO, congrats Judy!!!!
Hope you all have a fabulous Monday. I have laundry up to my eyeballs that I need to make a dent in today and later on we have the Kindergarten "Meet the Teacher" for L!
in HIM-

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