
Monday, July 12, 2010

Hold a True Friend with Both Your Hands.

Last week I was so busy making memories that I didn't have time to share them. So I'm once again going backward to share what we've been up to. Hopefully, I can do that today and tomorrow so I will be all caught up for the rest of the week.

I will start with last Monday. (yes, a full week ago today).
My dear friend, Kellie, and I met in Asheville for lunch on Monday. And since it was the 5th of July the church office was closed and I got to go sans kids. It was great! We met at the Wayside Village Bar & Grill. It is in the old Asheville Train Depot. It was delish!
We then walked down to one of my favorite stores-- Williams & Sonoma! I wrote about how much Kellie means to me here. She is one of my favorite people in all the world. As are the other three people in her family. I miss them all so much that whenever I get to spend time with them, it is a treasure for me! It was a wonderful lunch. No pictures of that one -- I forgot my camera.

That evening, the fam and I went to our local pool for family nite. The whole family gets in for only $5. That, my friends, is a deal when there are 6 of you --- really. that's just a deal. Even if there are only two of you!!!
We had a great time playing in the pool. I took a few pictures but this one is my favorite of the night.
Look at B's face.
He was loving it!!!

On Tuesday, some sweet friends from Drexel came for a visit. It is always so good to see them. I am sure that you've seen them before. Their oldest daughter and A were the bestest of friends in pre-K and Kindergarten. They still love to hang out together. A cried when they left. So sad!

Here are some pics of our day together!!! They arrived around 11 AM. We hung out for a bit and then ate lunch here at our house. We then walked downtown and to the park to play.

A and A.....
M, L and L....

Soaking their feet in the fountain downtown.

A shot of Main Street in our town....
just because I liked it.

The park has these great cut outs
to take pictures with....

Before we left the park, we took a pic of all the kids.....

We then went to our favorite pizza place and had supper together before they headed home. It is always so great to see them and we are always sad to see them go.

Thanks T Family for coming to visit us

Later on that evening, my friend K met me at my house and we walked down the street for another supper...except since I'd already eaten, I only had dessert. It was yummy dessert! It wa the perfect way to end such a great day!!
The title of this post is a Norwegian Proverb. But I think that is speaks truth about friendships and applies to these friends -- all of these people T family and Kellie and her family, and my friend K -- most certainly. We are holding onto these friendship with both of our hands. Hanging on tight.
I definitely ended Tuesday night with a very full heart....and the week was only just getting started. Thursday was another day full of friends and fun. I will be back to tell you about that tomorrow!
Have a great one everyone. Sorry there is no menu plan for this week posted. We are leaving for vacation on Thursday but rest assured -- I DO have a plan.
in HIM-

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