
Friday, July 9, 2010

4th of July

We were very blessed on the 4th of July to be invited by an engaged couple from church to Bear Lake Reserve to celebrate the day. This is what we saw as we drove in.....beautiful isn't it?

And the other side of the road....

They were having some fun festivities for the 4th including great food, a band and of course, fireworks!! And this is the view from where we sat to watch the band.

Bear Lake Reserve is a neighborhood where people can own homes and/or rent them. Here are the ones that were near enough to where we sat for me to get a picture.

We ate hamburgers and hotdogs. The girls played with Magan. One half of the sweet couple who invited us to come.

I took lots of pictures while we listened to the band play and waited for the fireworks to start. Here is Miss A -- waiting patiently at that particular moment.

The Band....They were awesome!!!
Miss L. striking a pose.

"I'm One"-- Daddy and B

Miss M. Definitely the most likely of my girls to strike a pose. =)

The girls and I in front of the clubhouse. They had their picture taken
on this bear....

Still waiting......

Then the kids got bored with the band and started asking to take pictures.
All three girls took some is one of A's.

Silly girls......

Finally it was time for the fireworks. It was an awesome show. 22 minutes long!!
Beautiful and fun! It was the first year that NONE of my girls cried and B was fine as long
as I kept my hands over his ears. He didn't cry....but he definitely thought it was too loud.

The girls watching the show. I love this picture!

We had such a grand time. Thanks to Matt and Megan for the invitation. It was a wonderful way to spend the 4th of July!
in HIM-

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