
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Camp Patton Springs in pictures - year 2

I finally got around to uploading pictures that I've had on my camera for about 3 weeks now.

There are quite a few events on there that need recording.

I will start with the first pictures. A couple of weeks ago A and M got to participate in Camp Patton Springs. This is a weekend camp for kids and is really one of our churches biggest outreach events. This was our second year to be involved since coming to this church. Last year was A's first time to get to go and I wrote about that here. This year since M is a rising 2nd grader, she got to go as a camper, too. They LOVED it. The rest of us also joined in for some of the fun when we drove over on Saturday afternoon to spend some time with the campers. We even ate supper with them.....ahem. Camp food -- it isn't my favorite but it was alright!!!
Here are some pics of our day and some of our youth/kids who participated in the event!!!
When we first arrived, they were serving a snack.
And even though his face looks otherwise, he really did like it!

It was then swim time. They had a lake for the kids to swim in and a wading area for the little ones to play in...
Miss L really loved it!

This is our friend T!
We love her!

Miss M and our friend, C!
We love her, too!

K got in the wather and made a swing for B out of a noodle.
He thought it was great fun!

Sweet big sister and baby brother shot!

My A! love this one!

Two of our campers! Miss M and Miss C--
We love them too!

One of the counselors -- Mr. D --
taking a much deserved nap!!!

The climbing wall. Our friend E was up there.
We love her!

After swim time, it was time for some singing before supper.
Mr. S getting all tuned up.

And the singing begins....

And then it was off to supper and I took no more pictures.
My kids LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Camp Patton Springs. And as I said it is a huge outreach for our church. We had 101 campers from rising second graders through graduating seniors. And they all learned more about what it means to be an example and had a great time at camp this year.
Can't wait til next year!!!!
Happy Father's Day. We are off to celebrate my hubs and have some quality family time this afternoon!!!!
See ya'll tomorrow!
In HIM--

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