
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Snow Day Ritual

I woke to the sound of the phone ringing at 6:30 this morning. It was the school system calling to say that we had a two hour delay. I got up and looked outside to. .....nothing. But shortly there after the rain turned to snow, it didn't seem to be sticking too much so we got ready for school. We got all the way to the school and finally they had cancelled it. The snow was beginning to stick and was coming down pretty hard. By the time we got home, it looked like this.....So, we hunkered in for another snow day. We did some 'chores' this morning which the girls weren't really happy about, but we did them anyway. After lunch we did what seems to have become our snowday ritual.....
B wandered around outside
looking at the snow. Falling down.
And needing help to get back up.

There were our usual snowball fights with Daddy....

This wasn't good "sledding" snow. It was really
wet and slushy. So, the girls slid down the hill

And spent a lot of time climbing back up....
then they decided to roll down down the hill....

Eating snow seems to be a prerequisite....

This is the best shot we got of all 4 of them.
By this time, B was ready to go inside and
everyone was SOAKED to the bone!

Then we came inside and had hot chocolate
of course!!!


Then everyone watched a little animal planet....

Except for these two who took a nap....

It was really a great day. Even though I really didn't want another day out of school to have to make up. My heart is full of the blessings that God has given me tonight! I loved the snow day with our kids and hubby hanging out with us this afternoon. I even love the snow. It was a beautiful gift from God today!!!!!
in HIM -



  1. Oh, that looks like the perfect day to me!!! My favorite part is the nap for B and his Daddy. :)

    I hope you don't have too many days to make up this summer! (that's when we would make up if we have to)

  2. Love all the pictures. We never get snow days here. We are used to snow coming down by the feet and they are just too good and keeping the snow off the roads. It does sound like a really nice day! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  3. FUN! The pictures are great! I got a call at 1:22pm yesterday that school was letting out at 1:30pm ... what in the world?

  4. We had around 6 inches of snow. The most we've had since we were kids. And the school system recording called us at 4:30! Our kids don't even go to public schools! :)
