
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fabulous Weekend

I had an absolutely wonderful weekend!

On Friday night, our family was invited to go to a cub scout banquet at our church. K and I discussed back and forth during the day about whether or not it was a good idea to take B since he is at an age where sitting in a high chair (or anywhere) is his least favorite thing. When he woke up from his afternoon nap as ill as a hornet, we decided that it would be best if K took the girls and I stayed home with B. So, B and I had a quiet supper at home and B went to bed early. I had a couple hours of complete quiet in my house and that was very nice. I did some laundry and watched some tv and relaxed. Very nice!!!

On Saturday, hubs got up early and headed to the church to help with the local Rotary Club's pancake breakfast. The kids and I went down for breakfast. And there was a cake walk. The girls all participated and Miss M won a cake. A strawberry cake with nuts.....or so I hear. I've not tried it. I'm not a big cake fan. I know - pick your chin up off the floor!

After breakfast, hubs came home to stay with the kids. I got to go have a Girls Day out! A couple of my sweet VW's came and met me in Asheville. We met for lunch at the Mellow Mushroom and then walked around and browsed through the stores in downtown. We then moved to Biltmore Village where we found a coffee/ice cream shop and decided to sit for a while. Ya'll! We talked so much that we closed the place down! We got kicked out but don't get too excited. They closed at 6PM. By that time we needed some supper so we went to Neo Mexican Cantina. It was my first tapas experience. YUMMY (Yes, I'm from a tiny town). After supper it was time to head back home for all of us. But it was a great day. We were so busy catching up that we only got one picture of ourselves.....even though I carried my camera around all day- We ended up taking a picture of ourselves right before we parted company.

It was an wonderful catching up with friends. A day that I have really needed for a long time. I love these girls and cherish their friendships. We've decided that we are going on a beach trip next. YEAY! And seriously, if you've never been to Asheville, it's a great place to visit! You should come.
Yesterday, of course, was church. The kids and I got ready and made it (almost) on time for the 9AM service. It was a wonderful service and hubs had an awesome sermon that God used to speak to me so much! He also used it to speak to others yesterday, too. I know because one sweet lady came and told me how blessed she feels to have my hubby as the leader of our church. I don't know about other PW's, but it blesses my heart so much to be told my a church member how much they appreciated my husband!
After the service I sent the kids off to Sunday School and on a typical Sunday, I catch up with K and hang out in his office until time to get the kids and head to the 11AM service. Well. Yesterday, my friend, Kandi, asked me to go over to this awesome little cafe' across the street from the church for brunch. After making sure that my kids could go to the service with one of their super wonderful Sunday School Teachers, I shrugged off the guilt of leaving the family and went. We ended up having 4 other church members go with us. It was a great brunch and time for me to get to know a few more folks in our congregation a bit more! It was wonderful. Thanks for the invite, Kandi!
What an amazing blessing my weekend was to my heart, mind and spirit! I'm so thankful that God orchestrated this last weekend in my life!
I hope yours was just as fantabulous!!!!
in HIM -


  1. Awwww.....I'm so glad you had a great weekend! And, I'm glad you were able to eat with us as well! You are an awesome friend and I love you! Kandi

  2. Pretty picture of you!! :) Love you!
