
Monday, February 22, 2010

Roasting Marshmallows

I had an appointment today in Raleigh. So, my family and I drove part of the way there and spent the night with Granddaddy and Nana LeeAnne (hubby's Dad and Step Mom). They live near Greensboro. We arrived just in time to have supper and then Nana had a surprise planned and the kids ALL loved it. She had a firepit on her deck and we roasted marshmallows. Here are some picture's of the fun!
L watching the fire.
I love this picture of Granddaddy helping L with her marshmallow.

Mr. B loved them!

Miss M was concentrating on NOT getting sticky.

Miss A!

This big boy decided he could manage for himself!

Don't worry -- we were all standing near by!

Hubs' 93 year old grandmother, Mama Bea, joined in the fun!

LOVE this one!

It was a wonderful evening! Thank you, Nana LeeAnne, for the wonderful surprise! And thank you to Granddaddy who was such a good sport to stay with all 4 kids today while hubs went with me to my appointment! Luckily, all 5 of them survived!
in HIM -


  1. Wow those pictures turned out great. I love the glow. We have a fire pit, but have not used it yet. This post has got me wanting some smores. :)
