
Friday, February 19, 2010

Finally! A Pink Pirate Party

Remember a little over a month ago, when I had a birthday girl? And remember I said we were having her party on Jan. 30th? Well, on Jan 30th, we had to cancel due to all the snow. SO, we rescheduled for two weeks later which was this past Saturday, Feb 13th. A whole month after her birthday. But she really didn't mind too much. Mostly because she got to open presents and celebrate her birthday for a whole month.

I am happy to say that even thought it snowed again last Saturday, we went ahead with the party. It was great fun! Here are some pics from our day.

This is the picture that was on her invitation. I made her invites using black cards I got from Michaels. On the inside was a hot pink piece of cardstock with the following wording.

" Ahoy There, Matey! Ye be invited for

a swashbuckling good time at

Captain L's

Pink Pirate Party

Celebrating her 5th birthday!

Chart ye course on Saturday, January 30th

2-4 PM at our church

RSVP to 1st Mates Mom and Dad (Mindy and K)


We were so glad that we finally got to have this party.

It was long awaited and I heard that it was the talk at preschool

for a few weeks.

Here's the birthday girl!

I served Pink Lemonade as Pink Grog

and Water as Ocean Ale

The cups.....loved how they turned out!

We had cheese cubes known as Coxswains Bounty

and Cheese balls as Cannonballs.

We also had "Walk the Plank Celery Sticks"Everything was Black and Pink

with a little bit of Zebra print thrown in for good measure!

Along the back wall was the birthday sign

that I made that read "Happy 5th Birthday L"

And a great caterer, who just happens to be

a church member, made L's cake!

Here's a side view!

Here's the top!

And don't all pirate's have a parrot?

Because it would show you her name, I can't show you that

this parrot was sitting on a boat called the "SS L"

complete with a mast. It was awesome!

And it was contributed by another wonderful church member.

She owns the dance studio in town and had used the boat for

her production of "Willy Wonka Jr" this summer.

We added a mast and miss L's name and it

made the perfect pirate ship!

And here is the treasure chest full of treasures!

When the kids came in, they were given one of "Blackbeard's Bandana's"

to wear. Thank you Nana LeeAnne for making these!!!!

And in this bowl, our treasure maps!

Here are all of my girls together. You can see a bit

of the boat behind them. L had a special pirate outfit to wear

for her party (Thanks Nana LeeAnne!).

A and M got new pink pirate shirts to wear, too!

Even B had pirate clothes to wear....

and a pirate passy!

A message on the wall.....

The first activity of the afternoon was called "Hoist Ye Jolly Rogers"

Pirates all had their own flags.

So the kids got to create their own.
Working hard on their flags!

Waving their new pirate flags!

Next, we played Musical Chairs with all

kinds of pirate music that hubs put together.

A few of the kids obviously weren't fans of musical chairs.

It was plain to see when they got out and cried. oh well.

Next, it was time to sing happy birthday.

Blow out the candles

and eat some food!

Next, it was time to open presents!

Lastly, we went on a treasure hunt. We gave out
treasure maps that my wonderful hubby made.
Love the serious faces!

We found the treasure!

The kids all got eye patches in their goody bags.
This is Little Miss Pink Pirate O!

And one big group shot!
Everyone say "Aaarrrrgggghhh!"

I think that everyone had a great time! I know that my kids did - and I was exhausted! I couldn't have done it without all of the amazing help from all of the grandparents. THANKS SO MUCH!!!!
Ya'll have a fab. weekend!
Say a prayer for me on Monday. Have a dr. appt. that is a little unnerving!
Talk to you all soon!
in HIM -


  1. What a great party. If you ever get to Savannah, you'll have to take her to The Pirates House. Great restaurant. The house has been there since the 175o's!

  2. Mercy... Makes me want to turn 5 all over again. Parties aren't what they used to be.

    So darling and lovely and fun! My, what energy you have.

    Hope you are doing well. Just wanted to stop by and say hello.


  3. Wow! I am very impressed. What an awesome party. You went all out. I love all the fun details in everything from decorations to games to food etc. Just Amazing! She will remember that for a life time. :)
