
Friday, January 15, 2010

Question and Answers 2010

Last year, I was introduced to the idea of asking my kids questions each year in order to remember what they liked and such in the years to come. I'm such a sentimental girl that it was right up my alley. SO, without further ado -- here is the 2010 version of this list. My comments/explanations are in this color.

A - 8 years old/Second Grade
1.What is your favorite color? Blue
2. What is your favorite Restaurant? Bogart's ( a local place!)
3. Your favorite thing to do? Read (she is a reading machine!)
4. Favorite book? Junie B Jones
5. Favorite Song? Mary Had A Little Lamb
6. Favorite Person ? The Lord (makes a Mama oh so happy to hear it!)
7. Favorite Food? Salad
8. Favorite Animal? Tiger
9. Favorite thing about School? The Library
10. Favorite thing about God? He loves me.
11. Who are your friends? Abreonna, Zachary, everybody in my class
12. What are you good at? Doing the Monkey Bars
13. What are you afraid of? Spiders and snakes
14. What do you want to be when you grow up and why? A Veterinarian because I love animals. (and still is scared to death of most of them)
15. How do you show your family you love them? Taking care of them (Truly she is a little Mama!)
16. What are you thankful for? My family

What do you like best about:
17. Daddy? He's nice
18. Mommy? Your my Mommy
19. M? She's my sister
20. L? Nice
21. B? He's the only boy.
22. Yourself? The clothes I wear because people like them and say they are cute.
23. What is one thing you want to do better this year? Listen better (Same thing she prays for God to help her do better each night.)

M - 6 years old/First Grade
1. Favorite color? blueish green color - but more green
2. Favorite Restaurant? McDonald's
3. Favorite thing to do? Go to school and see my teachers
4. Favorite Book? Fancy Nancy
5. Favorite Song? All the Little Fishies Do The Hoocie Coochie Dance (ummmm.....what?)
6. Who is your favorite person? Mommy and Daddy (sweet!)
7.Favorite food? Hotdog with chili and ketchup on it and baked beans
8. Favorite animal? I have three - a kitten, a puppy, and a baby pony
9. Favorite thing about school? learning
10. Favorite thing about God? That He made us
11. Who are your friends? Ella, Natalie, Danielle, Victoria....
12. What are you good at? playing soccer
13. What are you afraid of? bears and lions
14. What do you want to be when you grow up and why? An artist that paints pictures and a Mom because I want to draw pretty pictures. I might can make several and put them up in my house and I can tell my kids that they are my pictures. (WOW! What an answer!)
15. How do you show your family you love them? By giving them hugs and kisses and being happy and being good.
16. What are you thankful for? My family,God, my friends, my teachers, grandparents.
What do you like best about:
17. Daddy? He loves us.
18. Mommy? You love us.
19? A? She always nice to me and she lets me play her DS.
20? L? She's nice to me and she lets me play with her things.
21. B? He lets me play with his legos and play with him.
22. Yourself? I have friends and a family and Mommy and Daddy
23? What is on thing you want to do better this year? Listen to Mommy and Daddy (again, this is her prayer every night, too.)
L - 5 years old/ Preschool
1. Favorite color? blue
2. Favorite Restaurant? Ryan's (Do ya'll know this place? I dislike it very much)
3. Favorite Thing to do? Play with Elizabeth ( her American Doll)
4. Favorite Book? Dora's Perfect Pumpkin (Yes, that's Dora the Explorer)
5. Favorite Song? Jesus Loves The Little Children
6. Favorite person? Ms. Shanna (her preschool teacher - I love her too!)
7. Favorite food? Shells and cheese (Annie's Organic)
8. Favorite animal? Anna Her stuffed Teddy Bear)
9. Favorite thing about school? Snack time
10. Favorite thing about God? That He always loves me!
11. Who are your friends? Ellie, Jacob, Tyler, Caleb, Lily S., Autumn, Holly, Miles
12. What are you good at? riding my scooter
13. What are you afraid of? the dark
14. How do you show your family you love them? Hugging and kissing them. But I don't kiss A & M 'cause they don't let me.
15. What do you want to be when you grow up and why? A Girl who does builds houses and designs pictures that goes on the wall. Because I always like to watch that show and I always wanted to do that. ( I'm thinking we watch too much DIY or HGTV)
16. What are you thankful for? My animals (the stuffed variety)
What do you like best about:
17. Daddy? When he sleeps on the couch & and I sleep with him (Sometimes when B refuses to sleep in his own bed, he sleeps with me and because we have a double bed it really isn't' big enough for the three of us -- so hubs will sleep on the couch. L and M like to come out and sleep on the other couch when this happens if they wake up in the night.)
18. Mommy? When I come in there and sleep with you (And sometimes L. comes in my room instead and climbs in the bed with me and B.)
19. A? When she plays with me and be's nice to be.
20. M? When she likes to play with me in the mornings.
21. B? When he doesn't kick and hit (two things I've never seen him do....)
22. Yourself? When I play with my animals
23. What is one thing you want to do better this year? Listen to my parents (again....her prayers every night)

B - 16 months
Obviously I didn't ask him the question since he doesn't have enough words to answer. BUT I can answer a few of them about him -- so that I can remember!
Favorite thing to do? Play with his new remote control train
Favorite Book? Moo, Baa, La, La, La (ONE OF THE BEST BOARD BOOKS EVER)
Favorite Song? The Itsy, Bitsy Spider
Favorite Person? Daddy
Favorite animal ? ANY
Who are your friends? Harper, Andy, Jasper,
What are you good at? Keeping our family entertained!!!
I really enjoyed going back and reading the answers the girls gave last year and how some have changed and a remarkable number of things have stayed the same. Enjoy!
Have a wonderful weekend!!! I'm headed out to do some shopping with a friend this afternoon!!!

In HIM -


  1. I think Drennan would get along great with your oldest. He loves to read as well. I think he's read about all of the Junie B books.

    We love Moo, Baa, La, La, La, too!

  2. I had forgotten about this ... neat!

  3. I love this!! I might be copying it!

  4. Oh, this is such an adorable idea! I love to keep track of these kinds of things too....mind if I steal this for my blog? :)

  5. I need to do this again with my girls. I did it awhile ago and it would be fun to compare!! Your kids are just adorable. :)

  6. what a great idea to do this every year. I used to do a questionnaire with my kids too. I need to do that again. Fun

  7. Loved reading this-I am about to steal it and post my own!!!!
