
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tales of Thanksgiving (mostly in pictures)

Our Thanksgiving started last Tuesday at L and B's preschool where we had a Thanksgiving Feast.....of finger foods. =) Here are some of our friends.
From L's class: Miss M. (but could be Miss A --she has a twin).
Mr. T

L in her turkey hat. SO CUTE!

In B's class theres

Mr. C. Their class made indian hats.

Too cute!

Mr. A and his Mommy, K.

B's friend Miss H.
Isn't her turkey shirt the cutest?
Her Mommy made it!

L's class sang a song entitled
"I'm a Little Turkey."

On Tuesday afternoon, we checked the big girls out of school early and headed to Grammy's house in Georgia. On Wednesday, Daddy went to play golf so the rest of us hung out at Grammy's house while they were gone.
We took a walk with the wagon down Grammy's long driveway
to get the mail.

Here are the kids on the way down the driveway.

M did some jumping rope

A and L played some soccer with Grammy

B refused to get out of the wagon
so the girls took turns pulling him around.

On Thursday, we went to my Grandparents house for Thanksgiving with
my Mom's family. My mom is one of 6 and 4 of those kids were there.
As were a lot of the grandkids and the great grand kids.
It was a great time visiting with family!

We did pictures of everyone -- but I won't bore you with all of them.
Here is a picture of my Pa and M. I love this one!

This one is my Granny with my L.
I don't know what she was asking her!

This is a picture of my grandparents with some of the great-grands.
There were 5 missing and they have 1 more on the way right now.
That makes 12 great-grandkids as of now.
From 5 out of 12 grandkids.
I can't even imagine how many more they will have
when the other 7 have kids. =)

Here is a picture of my family. My brother, with A in his lap. My brother in law and sister with M in her lap, my Mom and step-dad with L in his lap, and B with me and K.

That evening we just hung out at Grammy's house. The girl's wrote their letters to Santa.
Can you guess what my girls are into this year?

Here is Miss L. copying what she wants out of the magazine.
Miss M. She is using her "best guess" spelling.

Look at that sunset out the window by A.
Isn't it beautiful?

Tickle fest with Uncle T.

The next morning, Grammy, Aunt G and I did our Black Friday shopping. It was a lot of fun and there weren't as many people out as I thought there would be.
On Friday night, we gathered with my Dad's family.
These are 5 of the great grands on this side. (We were missing a BUNCH--like almost 20 -
I'm not kidding!)
These girls had a blast!
"No Boys Allowed!"

B really enjoyed the food. He was definitely a grazer.
He just walked from person to person and begged for food.

The next morning, Saturday, Grammy and Granddaddy made us a big breakfast.
This is Uncle T and B waiting on those yummy waffles.

Here is Miss L with the heart clip that Aunt G gave her.
She loves it!

We packed up the van and met Pa Pa and Nay Nay for lunch
at our favorite Mexican place. It is a must while we are in town.

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Full of family. Going home always makes me
miss that little corner of the world.
We had a great one. Hope you did,too
Now - this post has taken FOREVER so I must go and do the house work
that is calling my name.
Ya'll have a great rest of Wednesday. It is a yucky, rainy day here in the mountains
of NC. Wish I could hunker down and not go anywhere else.
But since we have dance and church activities tonight, that won't happen.
oh well.
Talk to ya'll later on!!!
in HIM -


  1. SO fun!! The kids are beautiful!

  2. I love the picture of your dad with your little boy. I'm surprised we didn't bump into you somewhere while you were here.
