
Monday, November 30, 2009

I Forgot (with a winner!)

In my rush to get out of town for Thanksgiving last week, I forgot.

I forgot to take my son to his scheduled appointment to get the flu shot.

I forgot to go pick up my dry cleaning. It's been there for a week and a half now. I'm sure they think that I'm never coming back.

I forgot to announce the winner of the Pearl Girls book. So, without further ado ( and before I forget something else) -- the winner is:

Jen, please email me and send me your address and I will get the book out to you asap. SO, now you all know why I have to have a TO-DO list everyday. Otherwise, I will forget everything. Let's just call it "mommy brain" !!
Have a fabulous Monday. Lots of catching up to do around here from being out of town. Talk to you all tomorrow!
in HIM --

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