
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009 **Edited for Hubby's Sake**

Last year it took me 3, yes 3, posts to show ya'll all of our family Christmas. I'm wondering if I can do it in less this year -- hoping it isn't more.
But we shall see I guess. So let's get started.
We do allow our children to open one gift on Christmas Eve. It is always Christmas pj's. They've yet to even let on that they know that every year they get new pajama's. They are just happy to get them. This year my Mother in law was here on Christmas Eve and so she allowed them to open one of her gifts too. Every year she gives them a new Christmas ornament. I love that she puts TONS of thought into these ornaments each year. The ornament is always something that is part of that child's personality. LOVE that! This year Miss A got a soccer player, Miss M got a gymnast, Miss L got a Barbie Ballerina, and Mr. B got a monkey. They are perfect. The girls immediately put their ornaments on the tree. The pictures I took on Christmas Eve didn't turn out that well so I don't have pictures of all that to share with you.
After all of our Christmas Eve services, when hubby got home around 11PM OOPS! Hubs read this and pointed out that I was wrong. His last service started at 11PM -- so he didn't get home til after 12 and then, we got started on Santa.
Here is what the tree looked like when I was about to go to bed. Hubs also wants ya'll to know that he didn't go to bed until about 3 AM....I think I went to bed around 2....maybe.
I'm sorry for the large man on the tv. Hubs also says 10 points to anyone who can name the man on the tv.....apparently, he's a United Methodist Bishop. Anyone? Anyone?
Should've turned that off.
OR have it in a beautiful armoire!
That is my day!

Headed out to see what Santa brought!
I love the look on their faces!!!

Checking it all out!

B with his new Zebra riding toy.
I think he loves it!
He also got an adorable Stephen Joseph Backpack with
a dog on it that is monogrammed.
And he got his first set of legos.
They are for ages 1 -5 so they are perfect
for him!

Miss A got a DS Lite for Christmas --
in blue just like she asked for!
She also got an "Outdoor Play Outfit" for Molly (her American Doll
and Apples to Apples Jr. game.

Miss L got a Bitty Baby - whose now been named
Penelope Heart C.....
She also got a nightgown for Elizabeth - her American Doll
and Jenga!

Miss M got a Bitty Baby, too
She also got Josaphina's Accessories --her American Doll
And she got "a game of Twister"
as she says it.

What did I get for Christmas? Well - my hubby -- he's the BEST!!! He got me some books that I've been longing to have AND a Nikon D5000!!!!! You should be able to tell a difference in the quality of the pictures in the rest of this post because they were all taken with my awesome new camera!!!! My in-laws were arrived at our house around 8AM and we soon after opened the gifts they had brought for the kids.

This is a pic. of Daddy and his boy
I just love this picture!!!!

Nana and Grandpap (as my inlaws are known to my kids) got B a little car to play with and some clothes. They got all the girls matching pj's for them and their American Dolls. The girls LOVE them. Here are some pics of them opening their gifts.

The girls and the dolls spent the rest of the day in their matching pj's.

It was a wonderful Christmas Day. My in laws left at around 3 pm and our little family of 6 spent the rest of the day quietly relaxing and enjoying one another. And watching wonderful Christmas movies together. At one point early in the evening I told my husband that I was just so happy right then that I could bust. It really was a wonderful day.

And one more pic. -- just cause I like it.
Hubs and Miss A.

I will be back tomorrow because we had more grandparents and family come the next two days and I've much more to share with you!

Until then, ya'll have a wonderful Tuesday. I took part of my Christmas Decorations down last night and washed a couple loads of clothes but I still have a tree to "undecorate" and at least 4 or 5 more loads of clothes to wash -- not to mention that I've got a house that just needs to be cleaned. SO - that is what I will be working on today. Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!

in HIM -


  1. Tad was with me when I read your post and his comment was "that little girl (the youngest) looks just like Mindy!"
    Also impressive camera! And be glad your family isn't down here. The stomach virus has reached 3 of our extended family members so far....

  2. Enjoy that camera. I need to save for a good one :) Love all the pictures, actually. Seeing what Santa brought for the first time is priceless.

  3. SO fun!

    You seriously need to get that TV on something higher or bigger. Amelia pulled our last flat screen plum off of the stand.

  4. Nice blog with nice picture of cutie. She is adorable. Enjoyed your blog very much. Have a great New year.

  5. What a wonderful Christmas. Wish you and your girls could have been with us last week when we visited the American Girl Store in Atlanta. My girl is about too big for it but your girls would have been in awe! Have y'all ever been?

    You're going to need a big armoire to fit that tv. We're saving up to buy a big tv, hopefully soon!

    I'm blogging, undecorating and doing laundry today too! Such is life but I sure do love it!

    New camera takes great pics! =)
