
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Party Weekend Part 1 - A Pumpkin Party

Last Friday night, hubs and I hosted a "Pumpkin Party". We had planned on having it at our house but it rained. And I didn't think 45 people (20 some of which were kids) would fit very comfortably all stuffed inside my house.....Besides we were painting and carving pumpkins and we planned that for the driveway so other plans had to be made. We ended up having it at our church and while it wasn't as cozy as I'd hoped -- it worked out quite nicely.
Since it wasn't at my house, I didn't get to do as much decorating as I would have like but here is the little bit I did do......
the drink table.....
The YUMMY Chili!!!!
Look at the dessert spread. One sweet friend made homemade marshmallows. I am here to tell you that I don't even pretend to like store bought marshmallows. But these -- are DELISH!! Thanks Ellen (and the banana bread was yummy too)!
We did some pumpkin carving -- with each family.....
Ms. Alicia ended up doing all the work for her family though. The kids were not into the "goop".
And here is my family.....
oh wait -- I was taking pictures so I wasn't in it....
what? I'm still missing a child?
That's right - L decided to help another family....

Her friend P's family to be exact!
They had fun doing it though. Hope Ms. Valerie did, too!

And B seriously loved playing in the "goop".
He is definitely ALL BOY!!
Just look at how dirty he is...

Ms. Jennifer and T came out.
They are only 2/5 of their family.
Dad stayed home with the younger two so they could
come join the pumpkin fun!
J just had a baby 4 weeks ago.
I know! Don't you just want to slap her for looking so great?!!?
Mr. Russ and Miss R....
There are two more in their family, too-
who were in attendance.
Don't know why I don't have them IN the picture....

This is the P family. Isn't baby F just the cutest thing?

And then the kids all painted pumpkins.
I think they had fun but it took all of 10.98 seconds
for them to finish. =)
Having to move our party to the church gym does have it's advantages...
An impromptu kickball game!
And last but not least, here is Miss O, Mr. J and Mr. B
the High Chair Brigade.....

We had so much fun and wonderful food. I hope that everyone else who came had as much fun as I did and got to meet some new friends in our little mountain town. And who knows.....this might end up being an annual event. maybe. Thanks to all you wonderful friends who brought food -- it was ALL delicious and beautiful!
I'll come back tomorrow and share the rest of our party weekend.
Have a happy Tuesday everybody.
in HIM --


  1. How fun!!! What a great idea. We miss you guys so much!!! Could we ever bribe someone to bring you back this way?

  2. Looks like a lot of fun! We had our church Fall Party saturday. I had to miss it, but the kids went. Your little guy is getting so big!

  3. We did almost the exact same thing with our church sunday school class this past Saturday and had so much fun! Glad you all did too :)

  4. Oh how fun! My family would love to go to something like that!

  5. Here from Lynnette's!! All that food looks yummy!! I haven't carved a pumpkin in years! How fun!! Kickball too!!

  6. OOOOHHHH I love it! A pumpkin party! Sounds like so much fun. Looks like everyone enjoyed it, too!
