
Monday, October 26, 2009

Can You say B.U.S.Y?

Seriously, I know that I've been saying a LOT lately how busy I am. But I have so much to do that I don't have much time this morning to visit with you all.
We had a wonderful friend and family filled weekend and I'm hoping to be back tomorrow to tell you all about it.

Because of all the fun we had over the weekend my laundry pile is incredible so that is task number one......
besides that -- here is my to do list for this week. (And this is just what I can remember off the top of my head)...... Disclaimer: If you are tired of hearing about all I have to do -- just skip today and come back tomorrow.

*Halloween Costumes to finish.....I have to find red ruby slippers, a huge lollipop, and a very large crown by Wednesday.
*I have a list of people needing bows. That is on today's agenda.
* Find a babysitter for 4 kids for two nights in a couple of weeks.....
*Thank You notes to write.
*Church stuff to figure out -- what bible study is next? do one at all?
*Sweatsuits for A & M for 101 Dalmatians.
*Dog catcher costume also for 101 Dalmatians.
* Work with girls on learning lines for 101 Dalmatians AND Christmas play.
*Finish reading book and blog about it (come back on Thursday -- it's a great book!)
*Set up picture sessions for B and the fam. (Natalie -- email me....)
* Plan Menu and get groceries.
*Clean house
*Start planning L's birthday party.
*soccer game -- let's hope it's the LAST one.
*Switch out my summer/winter clothing.
* Get tickets for The Nutcracker -- figure out when we are going. We will see it here.

Is that it? I don't even know.....I'm sure it isn't.
Anyways! Hope ya'll have a great Monday. I will be back tomorrow to tell you all about our party filled weekend.

In HIM --


  1. Praying for your as you muddle through the busy-ness. I thought it might slow down with more doesn't!

  2. goodness, just reading your list makes me tired. I'm going to take a nap! lol
